Monday, September 2, 2024

Lethal Company Monsters vs Content Warning Monsters

“The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination.” -Richard Wright

Lethal Company Monsters, deadly creatures that reside in the various Moons of Lethal Company.

Content Warning Monsters, the adrenaline-inducing creatures that prowl the “Old World” of Content Warning.

Throughout all of time, humanity has been afraid of monsters. However, there’s always been the few of us willing to dive deep into their territory. These two factions of monsters have been killing these brave and foolish humans for a long time, but what if they were to fight each other? Will the Lethal Company Monsters prevail? or will the Content Warning monsters live to be streamed another day? Come over to Fenic’s Fighting Blogs to find out.

Before We Start…

This blog is going to be weird. Not in terms of what content we use, but how we format this. This blog will have a dedicated Support Section (as you see in other blogs with an army) detailing the specific members of both teams. The EQUIPMENT and ARSENAL AND ABILITIES will be listing what both teams can do as a collective. We’ll also only have one of every monster. 


Lethal Company Monsters

“Your work keeps the company happy.” 

In the far away space of the thistle nebula lies hundreds of moons. These moons were once platforms of a powerful human colony; but now they lie in ruin with their many facilities being completely abandoned. What happened on these moons is still unknown, but what we do know is that the moons are still occupied. When humanity first left earth via “the boat”, they brought many of their mundane species with them. Over time these species began to evolve into something completely recognizable, monsters; from territorial creatures to magical specteres, the moons and facilities were now filled with danger of all variety. Such things wouldn’t pose much of a problem for many, unless you happened to be an employee of a “certain” company tasked with exploring these facilities for scrap, then you might run into some very lethal issues. 

Content Warning Monsters

“Looks like we got one!”

What would happen in the completely unrealistic scenario that the world's air became too toxic to breathe? Well the obvious solution is to build a flying city far above the pollution. This became the new world for the population, leaving the “old world” behind. Though this didn’t mean the old world didn't still have some value, for in the wasteland lies many newly created monsters of both the weird and lethal variety. Why are they valuable? Well, filming them gets you good SpookTube views of course. Sure it's an absurdly dangerous activity, but the content must flow!

Experience & Skill

Lethal Company Monsters

(Art credit here) 

We don’t know exactly how long the Lethal Company monsters have been around, but it has to be at least a few hundred years based on the logs of Sigurd, who encountered the same creatures in the late 1960s. It is safe to say that the monsters have been killing employees for a long time; many of which have shown themselves to be quite skilled as well. The Bracken makes use of heavy stealth tactics, and others like the Baboon Hawks make use of teamwork and coordination. Some monsters like the Nutcracker and Butler have shown skills in using human weaponry, like guns and knives. 

Content Warning Monsters

Content Warning Game GIF - Content Warning Game - Discover & Share GIFs

There is nothing to indicate how old the Content Warning monsters are, but we can assume they've been around for a long time based on the old world's ancient appearance. Many of the monsters have shown some kind of intelligence; for example, certain monsters like the barnacle engage in ambush tactics. Other monsters have also used weapons and tools to kill, such as the Harpooner using…well, take a guess.


Lethal Company Monsters


The Barber carries around scissors strong enough to cut down Company Workers who dare get in its way. 


The Nutcracker wields a good old double-barrel shotgun, which it uses to blast the brains out of the Company Workers. 

Kitchen Knife

The Butler wields a trusty Kitchen Knife which can be used to stab adversaries at rapid speeds. Of course the Butler has the knife. It's always the Butler.


Discuss Everything About Lethal Company Wiki | Fandom

The Old Bird can straight up fire explosive Missiles at people.

Content Warning Monsters


Content Warning Cw Sticker - Content warning Cw Ghost - Discover & Share  GIFs

Knifo carries a Knife on themselves. Wow who would've guessed. 

Harpoon Gun

The Deathslinger Harpooner has a Harpoon Gun. It fires and sticks onto you, allowing The Harpooner to reel you in.

Shock Stick

Shock Stick - Content Warning Wiki

The Streamer carries a taser on a spear known as a shock stick. This weapon will distribute a powerful electric shock upon its tips making contact with someone. It’s strong enough to knock out most of the Content Warning monsters. 

Recording Equipment

CW-000: Streamer | Content Warning Wiki | Fandom

The Streamer also carries a camera and monitor on him at all times. Perfect for raking in the Spooktube views. 

Automatic Turret

CW-006: The Gundog | Content Warning Wiki | Fandom

The Gundog has a turret on its back that will automatically lock on and leave you riddled with bullets.


Content Warning bestiary: All monster types and weaknesses explained

The Bomber carries a ton of bombs to throw at people.


Captcha Game | TikTok

If someone is trapped inside of the Maiden, it will give a captcha for anyone outside to solve.


Lethal Company Monsters


How to deal with the Bracken in Lethal Company - Dot Esports

Many monsters like the Braken make heavy use of stealth to stalk their prey. Spiders are also known to hide and stalk any foes who get in their way. 

Web Creation

Bunker Spiders - Lethal Company Guide - IGN

Very unsurprisingly, the spider is capable of making webs that can trap people in them. The spider can seemingly sense when someone is trapped in its web. 


Certain monsters, such as the Hoarder Bugs and the Old Birds, have the ability to fly. 

Enhanced Senses

Eyeless Dogs and Thumpers can only hear while Nutcrackers sense movement. Despite these limitations, they are excellent at tracking Company Workers.

Fire Manipulation

Old Birds have flamethrowers attached to them that let them use fire. Coil-Heads are also stated to burst into flame after being deactivated and dissected

Electricity Manipulation 

The bees are electrical in nature releasing a powerful shock. 

Radiation Manipulation

Coilheads are stated to have high traces of Radioactive particles on them

Spore Creation

When threatened, Spore Lizards release purple harmless spores. This is mainly used to allow for the Lizard to run away. 


Some monsters in Lethal Company are completely invisible. For example, The Ghost Girl can choose which player she appears to, for only one may see her at a time. Barbers can only be seen close to 7 meters. 

Technology Manipulation


When the Ghost Girl is nearby, she causes lights and the terminal to flicker. 

Perception Manipulation

The Ghost Girl can cause people's hearing to become messed up and muffled. This also includes hearing the chimes of a grandfather clock.


Ghost girl without filters is scarier : r/lethalcompany

As a ghost, the Ghost Girl is completely intangible and unaffected by physical means, yet she can still kill people somehow.

Blood Manipulation

While killing you, Masks throw up blood onto you. 


That’s what the point of the mask is? By holding up a mask to your face for long enough, The Masked enemy will possess you, effectively deleting your consciousness. If you die, a mask can also possess you. Oh! They can possess other people after killing them. 

Content Warning Monsters

Content Warning Monsters - Content Warning Guide - IGN

Monsters like the Maiden or Camcreep will use stealth to sneak behind and ambush people.


All monsters in Content Warning and how to escape them |

Both the Drone and Snail Spawner are capable of flight.


An entity that picks up a Shroom is turned into a Shroomer. 

Fire Manipulation

CW-027: Fire | Content Warning Wiki | Fandom

Fire has the unsurprising ability to breathe fire.

Vacuum Manipulation

All Content Warning monsters and how to escape them | Rock Paper Shotgun

The Barnacle can spin so fast it creates a whirlwind that sucks things in. The Angler can also suck people into its mouth (see before verdict).

Poison Manipulation

Complete Guide To All Enemies In Content Warning

The Barnacle can emit a poisonous gas that disorients and hurts people.

Web Creation

How To Emote In Content Warning

The Spider can shoot sticky webs at people to trap them.


CW-012: Flicker | Content Warning Wiki | Fandom

The Flicker is capable of going completely invisible whenever it wants.

Tech Manipulation

CW-012: Flicker | Content Warning Wiki | Fandom

Flicker can cause the lights to…Flicker. 

Soul Manipulation

The Monolith | Content Warning Wiki | Fandom

The Flicker can use its eye to completely steal the soul of anyone looking at it.


CW-031: Snail Spawner | Content Warning Wiki | Fandom

The snail spawner can, well, spawn snails. Up to 25 of them in fact.

Black Hole Creation

After a ten second countdown, the Black Hole Bot releases a black hole. This is an ever-expanding Black Hole which begins to pull people in. 

BFR (See before verdict)


Wallo can send other people through portals into one of many realms.


Lethal Company Monsters

Baboon Hawk

The Baboon Hawk is a short primate bird hybrid. Despite its wings, it's actually too heavy to fly. Baboon Hawks tend to be in groups, and wander around looking for scrap. They are also very territorial, and will attempt to prevent anyone from getting to their nests. On their own, they are actually too scared to fight, relying on intimidation to keep others away. Once they have the numbers advantage however, they are more than willing to rip and tear any threats apart.


Barbers are massive claylike humanoids that carry a massive pair of scissors. As you may expect they use these scissors to cut anyone close in half. They are also seemingly invisible from far away, only being viewable up close. 


Brackens are large shadow-like entities that blend into the darkness. They are known for using stealth to hunt down their prey and snap their necks. Brackens are extremely intelligent, making use of hiding places and shortcuts to get the jump on people. They also really don't like eye contact, to the point it will eventually enrage them.

Bunker Spider

It's like a spider, but in a bunker, also it's massive. Like actual spiders, they operate by creating and spreading their webs around certain areas.


It’s a Butler, nothing too special. It goes around sweeping the floors and wandering the facilities, occasionally pulling out its knife to stab unsuspecting Workers with rapid speeds, both in mobility and attacking. Upon death, the Butler explodes into a cloud of Circuit Bees.


The Coil-Heads are mannequin-like creatures with broken and battered limbs. Presumed to be created for war, the Coil-Heads are fast, deadly, and can break your neck in an instant. However, they seem to like Doctor Who as they only move when not looked at, despite being able to move regardless.

Circuit Bees/Mask Hornets

Circuit Bees are a group of insects that fly around their hive, swarming any Company Workers that approach to sting them with static shocks. If their hive is picked up and taken, the bees will swarm the hive’s new location or start wandering the area, stinging anything they encounter.

Mask Hornets behave exactly like circuit bees, except they are only released when a butler is killed.

Earth Leviathan

The Earth leviathan is a not-dune-inspired massively sized worm. They constantly roam their territory underneath the ground, being theorized to reach as deep as forty meters. They are also capable of detecting even the slightest of vibrations, which is how they visualize what's on the surface. When their prey gives them the opportunity, they launch out of the ground at high speeds to swallow them in an instant. 

Eyeless Dog

These huge terrifying dogs are completely blind, relying entirely on their hearing to hunt their prey. They are also one of the only monsters capable of entering the company ship, which makes them even more dangerous.

Forest Keeper

Forest keepers are massive titans that, as you may expect, roam forests looking for food. They hunt by simply using their massive hands to grab their prey. Interestingly, they are unable to hear, relying entirely on sight to operate. They’re also directly stated to have the intelligence of a toddler. 

Ghost Girl

The Ghost Girl is an evil spirit that haunts the employees it comes across. She starts as completely invisible, but will eventually reveal herself only to the most insane employee. She appears to be toying with her prey, starting very slow and chasing them very playfully. Once she gets ahold of someone, however, she decapitates them instantly. 

Hoarding Bug

These little bugs love to stockpile scrap much like the player does. If an employee steals their scrap, they get angry and give chase. Hoarding bugs are capable of flight due to their wings, and can use their pointy little arms to kill.


Also known as blobs, slime, or ooze, Hydrogeres are large green substances that move slowly around the facilities. They don’t do anything but move, however any contact with their bodies will be damaged and converted into their body mass. They can be pacified by music, as shown above. 


Jesters may seem like cute walking boxes at first, but the music they play is a countdown to immediate death. Once they pop out of the box they turn into a super fast and dangerous predator that can wipe out a team in seconds.

Kidnapper Fox

Kidnapper foxes are Fox-like beasts that spawn near vain shroud grouping. They use their long tongues to grab and drag employees away to another location to kill them. They also are removed from the game currently but are being reworked.


These magical masks will compel employees to wear them, taking over their bodies as a result. They use these bodies to hunt down other employees, infecting them with their blood to create another Masked.


Maneaters start as cute baby bugs. However, they eventually start to cry, requiring employees to calm them down. If they aren't calmed down, they rapidly shapeshift into an enraged form. This new form is huge, fast, and extremely deadly.


Nutcrackers are large and tall soldier figurines that roam the facility. They always carry a double-barreled shotgun to let loose on any enemy they see.

Old Bird

Old birds are massive war machines equipped with a huge spotlight for a head. They are equipped with a ton of weaponry in the form of flamethrowers and missiles, as well as being capable of flight. They usually remain depowered and in a dormant state, but will “activate” when either a certain time is reached or the apparatus is unplugged. 

Snare Flea

Snare fleas are large centipede-like creatures. They make use of silk to stick onto ceilings and wait for their kill. If an employee walks underneath them they will drop down and suffocate them.

Spore Lizard

Spore Lizards are very shy creatures, being terrified of employees. If they are cornered they will release a spore from their tails that causes a person's vision to go foggy. Only then will they begin to attack.


Thumpers are deaf, two-legged monsters that crawl around the facility. Their deafness makes it so that they are unable to hear nearby individuals, but they possess incredible eyesight to make up for it. Upon spotting a player, they will charge full speed ahead in a straightforward manner and give chase to go for the attack with their powerful bite.

Tulip Snake

Tulip snakes are large-mouthed bats that latch onto an employee's helmet. Once this happens, they will begin to fly, taking the employee with them. A skilled enough employee can use this to their advantage by controlling the flight.

Vain Shroud

The Vain Shroud is a red weed that is typically accompanied by multiple other Vain Shrouds that can cover entire areas. While the weed itself is harmless, its primary danger is to serve as the hunting spot for the predatory Kidnapper Fox to hide safely in, to which the color of the weed allows the aforementioned monster to blend in thanks to their own reddish coloration.

Content Warning Monsters


The Streamer is a rival to the normal content creators. Calling them a monster is kinda of dubious but they sure act like one. Equipped with heavy armor, a lethal shock stick, and a really good camera, they make for quite the threat.


The Snailman asks the age-old question, what if a snail was a man? As you may expect from snails, they go after the streamers very slowly. If they manage to grab someone they will rapidly bite them for chip damage. 


A big whisk with two legs, don’t think about it too much. It will spin up its beaters and charge fast at its prey. However, it moves in a very predictable straight line while it does this.

Big Slap

Big Slap is a huge long-armed monster. They’re by far the most dangerous enemy in content warning, pursuing streamers with immense speed and strength. As their name implies, they can slap streamers to send them flying.


Barnacles Slupers are star-shaped creatures that latch onto the ceiling. If anything ends up underneath them, they will grab it with a mechanical claw and pull it upwards to eat.


Gundog is a weirdly adorable robot dog, equipped with an automatic turret on top. This turret packs a ton of firepower while also acting as a scanner for navigation.


The Bomber will crawl after streamers, throwing bombs at them constantly. If someone gets too close, the bomber will light every bomb on its back and blow itself up as a last resort. 


Knifo is a “ghost” kid with a knife. They don't do much other than try to stab others.


This trypophobia nightmare of a being called The Spider operates as any normal arachnid would by seeking to capture their prey and feast on them, with the frightening addition of it being physically huge and having the ability to shoot webs at a distance. These webs can stick to any surface, and while they don’t do damage, they will significantly slow down the movements of those caught in it, giving way for the spider to do damage to the player.

Button Robot

This little robot wants you to push the button on it. In fact, it does nothing but approach people hoping they push its button. Don’t worry, the button definitely won't just cause the robot to explode and kill you instantly. Why would you think that?


This tiny little gremlin does nothing but try to scare people. He does this by approaching from behind and screaming very loudly and temporarily deafening you. Unless you're prone to heart attacks, they're otherwise harmless. 


The Barnacle is a large, round creature with a shell riddled with barnacles and 4 squid legs sticking out of the sides of said shell that allow it to move around. These creatures are hostile and possess great versatility in the form of 3 distinct attacks; A standard melee hit, a small whirlwind produced upon spinning because it thinks it's a good trick that sucks in everything and everyone within its vicinity, and emits a gas that can hit others from a range, disorienting them while dealing damage. It is worth noting that the gas can reach anyone hiding behind the Diving Bell.


The Flicker is a one-eyed monster with a lanky, skeletal-like appearance that seemingly appears out of nowhere at times. In truth it remains invisible and likes to tease it’s presence in the area by causing the lights to flicker (true to its name), before eventually making its move, making itself seen to the player, and activating the Red Light Event, where it’s singular eye will glow red and force anyone looking at it to continue to do so, until it has completely steals their soul.


Eyeguy is an abomination that will become hostile if anyone points a bright light directly at them, targeting anyone in its vicinity regardless of who did so.


The Maiden is a large metal creature resembling a cage. It only moves when nobody is looking at it and will trap anyone inside of its body. If someone is trapped inside, the only way to get out is for somebody else on the outside to complete a captcha-like game. Otherwise, anyone who is trapped inside for too long will be immediately killed.


The snatcher resembles a centipede with the terrifying bonus of having giant arms and hands as well as its height being taller than an average human being. Anyone unlucky enough to be caught in its grasp will be thrown with tremendous force like a ragdoll in a random direction, but will directly throw them at other nearby people.


Ear is a quadrupedal creature that looks exactly like what you’d expect from the name alone. It moves around in a snappy manner and tackles players, whispering constantly while doing so (somehow). 


SCP-999 Slime is an admittedly cute-looking thing that likes to play fetch by running towards players and dragging them away from their colleagues, making them bump into things that can injure them but more alarmingly is that they will drag them to other entities.


This hooded badass known as the Harpooner comes equipped with, you guessed it, a harpoon gun. Its glasses reflecting light make it easy to spot, but the real challenge is avoiding the Harpooner, for its speeds and efficient aiming make that easier said than done. Should a player get hooked, the Harpooner will reel them in, and send them flying with a kick once pulled in close enough, which also detaches the hook, and the hunt begins anew.


This lanky-looking individual with an eerie smile is the CamCreep, visible only on camera and will actively attempt to kill the camera holder by sneaking up behind them to snap their neck.


Puffo here loves its carrots just as much as it loves being one of the most common entities in dives, though I doubt it likes being one of the weakest ones. Like a normal pufferfish it will inflate its own body as a defense mechanism should someone get a little too close for its comfort.


This lengthy fellow known as Worm doesn’t do any actual damage, but it still possesses a challenge by using the mouths on both ends of its body to attach itself to two players, practically chaining them together, tampering movement of the aforementioned players severely.


Fire is a pyromaniac with the appearance of a turtle and long legs. It will spit fire any chance it gets, with these flames lingering on the ground and even being able to go through thin cover and walls, including the Diving Bell.


A Shroomer is what one becomes should they pick up or come into direct contact with a shroom and other players are not looking. Additionally, if there are no players nearby, it will just kill the one interacting with it. It should be noted however that even when having turned a shroomer, the player still retains control, but can do nothing to prevent it from slapping any player that gets nearby.


As mentioned before, this bot is capable of releasing a black hole. This mechanical menace takes to the air by propelling itself towards a player, activating its detonation sequence when close enough.

Knifo EX

Seemingly the “adult” version of Knifo is Knifo EX. It is considerably larger and packs more power, but is seemingly a tad bit slower. Despite this slight difference, it operates the same way regular old Knifo would.

Snail Spawner

If you hated Snailmen before, this guy is your worst nightmare, because he will spawn up to 25 Snailmen reinforcements. The good news is that said Snailmen go away after 30 seconds, the bad news is that the Spawner can fly.


This cunning rogue, master of disguise is simply known as the infiltrator. True to his name, he will “infiltrate” the team by taking the appearance of one of the players; He will remain close by one of the players, seemingly providing support with its flashlight. However, once the back of their prey is turned, Infiltrator will stop being mister nice guy, with his expression turning into one of anger to showcase it, and seize the opportunity by strangling the player.


Arms is a humanoid with a husky figure that gets around at slow speeds. Its coiled-up arms can extend to a disturbing length and grab hold of players, all the while the spring-like arms make an accordion sound. …

CUT CONTENT…warning monsters (See before verdict) 


Hands down the biggest enemy in the game is the Angler. The Angler will create fake copies of people that will try to lure actual people towards itself. If someone falls for the bait, the Angler begins to suck them and everything around them into its mouth with a vacuum-like ability.


The Ghost is a harmless being who seems only to show up to spook the player. It seems sensitive to light since it will cover its eyes if a flashlight is shined on it and proceed to float away.


Perhaps the strangest monster in the entire game. Wallo is nonlethal, however, he can grab and take people into one of many realms/pocket dimensions. If you're taken to one of these areas, you have to complete a certain “Challenge” to find the exit and return to the normal world.

Mimic Man

As frightening as the Mimic Man appears, do not be alarmed, for its threatening stops at its horrid appearance since it only runs around quickly. Apparently, the tank on top of it is meant to explode but is incapable of doing so because of an error in the game.


Very little is known about Bites other than the fact that it has a round body, 8 legs that make it resemble a spider and a mouth. It’s only appearance is in promotional artwork for the game and cannot even be spawned in, with this picture being the only thing to work off of. It is presumed it uses its mouth to bite but it also could have been harmless for all we know. 



Meet the Toolkit, with each member of this dastardly squad being robot that resemble an appearance pertaining to their names. What they do is unknown.


Lethal Company Monsters

  • Electricity Manipulation: Certain monsters are immune to being stunned and concussed.

  • Extreme Temperatures: All monsters are immune to Dine’s extreme temperatures and steam. 

Content Warning Monsters

  • Poison Manipulation: Almost every monster is unaffected by the highly polluted air of the old world

  • Electricity Manipulation: A few (but small amount) of monsters are unaffected by the shock stick


Lethal Company Monsters


  • Constantly causes terror to players.

  • Survived on the abandoned moons for a long time.

  • Has regularly foiled the company's desire for a good meal.




Content Warning Monsters


Content Warning Game GIF - Content Warning Game - Discover & Share GIFs

  • Survived the environmental contamination of the old world

  • Successfully killed a lot of wannabe SpookTubers

  • Became internet celebrities whether they liked it or not





Lethal Company Monsters

While the lethal company monsters are certainly huge threats, they do have several weaknesses. A good number of monsters can be distracted through specific methods, like the forest giants chasing after laser pointers, and the Hydrogere gets distracted by music. There's also the fact that the monsters can be outskilled rather easily due to their predictable attack patterns. Also, the largest monsters often can be avoided by sticking to closed-off areas that they can’t fit in.

Content Warning Monsters

They may rake in views, but the Content Warning monsters have many flaws. For one, most of the monsters can be stunned or outright incapacitated with the shockstick. Also just like the lethal company monsters, they are highly predictable in how they move and attack. 

Before The Verdict

MFTL Old Birds?

The Old Birds are a pretty debatable aspect of this blog, as they’re high-power flying machines who’re able to survive re-entry and travel between planets, but this has a few issues. The first one comes with the potential MFTL aspect of their speeds. We have no way to know how long it would take for The Old Birds to get from planet to planet. With the information given to us, we can’t make a great assumption. It could take years for them to get from planet to planet, which is possible due to the autonomous psychology of the Old Birds. This could also only apply to their travel speed, as they might not be reacting to anything in space. Oh, for the final nail in the coffin, the Old Birds only use their trip once. Ok, so what about the durability? Well, surviving re-entry has many different factors. We don’t know how the Old Birds survive them. Heat resistance? Durability? It just seems like way too many factors. 

Friendly Fire?

A few of the lethal company monsters do occasionally fight and kill each other in the game, however including this as a genuine factor in the debate feels rather unfair. Not only would this be sabotaging the lethal forces for no reason, the friendly fire usually only happens due to territorial disputes or Workers tricking the monsters into damaging each other, which a neutral zone for this fight wouldn't have. 

The Cut Stuff?

You may have noticed this blog has listed several Content Warning abilities and monsters that aren't actually in the game yet are labelled as debatable. Why is using them debatable? It's complicated. On one hand, there’s the argument that these monsters and abilities are non-canon or standard, which yeah definitely is a solid argument. There’s also the inherent vagueness of scaling the monsters that we can’t have full information on. On the other hand, many of the monsters are quite finished and nothing of their presence breaks the lore or anything of the sort. On top of that, formerly cut monsters like Arms have been added into the game almost exactly as they were when they were just in the code. Ultimately, we decided that we would include the Cut monsters in the verdict, just in a unique way. We will cover the debate without the cut monsters first, then we will see if things would change with them included.



Both of these monstrous factions have some interesting stats to go over, so let's begin with strength. On the Lethal Company side, almost every monster is capable of taking a beating from shovels and other employee weaponry. Several monsters such as the Braken can also survive landmine explosions at 2.20 Megajoules. However, since every monster can kill the employees rather easily, they’d scale to their durability feats somewhat in AP; which includes them being able to survive a direct Misslie from the Old Bird at 0.00021 Tons of TNT. Now this excludes the strongest unit, the Sandworm, who can shake the ground at an impressive 0.86 Tons. Onto the Content Warning side it becomes quite apparent they are just completely outclassed in the strength department. Their best (and only) decent feat is scaling to the bomber's bombs at 64.93 Kilojoules. This means that the Lethal Company Monsters have units massively stronger and more durable than even the best Content Warning monsters. And when you factor in the sandworm, it's capable of easily one shotting anything from Content Warning with its power. So is Content Warning doomed here? Well actually, they have one trump card in strength; the Black hole drone. The Black holes this drone summons genuinely outclasses the entire lethal company verse in strength, and would one shot any of the monsters; however we’ll talk more about the black hole in the abilities section since there’s a bit more to it. To sum things up here, the Lethal Company monsters generally have the strength advantage without the blackhole drone.

When it comes to speed Lethal Company takes this pretty handily. Content Warning speed is notably really lacking, at best you have the Whisk and Jello being able to run decently fast, but this pales in comparison to what the Lethal Company Monsters can do. The Braken is capable of running at speeds of 38.676 m/s, with other monsters like the Jester being comparable. So to sum it up, Lethal Company monsters are massively outspending the Content Warning monsters in this fight.

Arsenal & Abilities

Now this is where the debate gets interesting since both sides have just so much to cover. So we’re going to format this section into categories to cover the debates and many different factors.


Let's start with the easy part, weaponry. Both factions have several units that brandish many different types of weapons. Both sides have units that carry knives like Knifo and the Butler. However the Barber has a massive pair of scissors, so Lethal has the advantage in bladed weapons. They also both have guns, though Content Warning is far better. While the Nutcracker has a double-barrel shotgun, the Gundog automatic turret has superior firepower. Now Content Warning also has the Shock stick carried by the streamer, however, this would likely be ineffective due to the Lethal Company monsters having many units completely immune to electric shocks. There’s also the Deathsli- I mean, Harpooner’s Harpoon gun, which isn't likely that effective here. Since Lethal Company Monsters are all stronger, they could likely just resist being pulled in by the gun. Also, pulling in the Lethal Company monsters could genuinely just get the harpooner killed via their stronger melee. Next, Content Warnings bombs are useful weapons with good AOE, however, they likely won’t be able to kill any Lethal Monsters since they can survive stronger landmines. Then there's the Old Bird’s flamethrowers and missiles, which honestly kinda clutched Lethal Company in the weapons category. These weapons have absurd power and AOE that would just wipe out the content monsters completely. Overall while Content Warning has a few advantages, Lethal Company has superior weapons.


Both sides have access to many elemental abilities. As mentioned before, Lethal Company has fire manipulation via the Old Bird’s flamethrowers as well as the Coil-Heads bursting into flames. This can be matched by Content Warning’s side having the fire-breathing monster named Fire (these names suck). Both sides also have access to webs since they have spider monsters. As far as electricity goes, Lethal Company’s side has an advantage through the electric bees, which would be effective since most Content Warning Monsters can be stunned with electricity. However, Content Warning also has an element Lethal can’t resist, that being the Barnacle’s poison gas. So overall this category is a tie since they both have an element that would affect the other, as well as varying resistances and weaknesses.


Both sides have ways to convert the other’s monsters into allies, those being the Shroomer and Masked. On this front, the Lethal Company Monsters have a clear advantage. The Shroomer can’t directly infect others, rather the shroom that makes the Shroomer in the first place has to be picked up and held. Only when nobody else isn’t looking will the Shroom infect the holder. Now the Masked infection is way easier, they just have to grab and puke blood onto someone and then it's done. The masked method is so much easier than the Shroomers. The Shroomer has to hope a lethal monster grabs a Shroom, which likely wouldn’t happen in the middle of combat, and then the Shroom-holding monster has to somehow be out of sight of literally everyone to be converted. The Masked meanwhile should be able to infect other monsters in this fight due to it being a more combat-practical method. This category goes to Lethal Company.


Content warning can spawn in more troops with the snail spawner, but the usefulness of this is seemingly lacking. For one, the snails are the weakest and slowest of the Content warning Monsters, so they aren't a game changer. There’s also the fact that the Snail spawner can’t spawn more than twenty-five snails and that the snails despawn after a pretty short period (30 seconds). That and the fact that the Spawner itself is defenceless, meaning its spawning can be interrupted by Lethal monsters attacking it. 

Underground: The Earthworm can dig underneath the ground, which is a very useful ability. Not only does this make the Earthworm almost untouchable, but they’re able to surprise attack any Content Warning monsters from underneath, which they would never expect and have no effective way of defending themselves against.

Flight: Both sides have monsters capable of flight so they even out

Invisibility: Both sides also have Monsters like the Ghost Girl and Flicker that can turn invisible.

Intangibility: Probably one of Lethal Companies' best abilities is the Ghost Girl’s, well, Ghostliness. She is completely Immune to all damage due to her intangibility. This means that the Content Warning Monsters have no way to affect her, meanwhile, the Ghost Girl can very much affect and kill the Content Monsters. There are two debatable ways the Content Warning side can kill the ghost, which will be mentioned below, but Ghost Girl provides a huge advantage to Team Lethal Company overall.

Soul manipulation: The Flicker can steal the souls of other beings. Not only could this dura neg any major Lethal monster, but it could kill the Ghost Girl. However, this ability has a few draws that are important to mention. For one this ability requires someone to stare into its eye, where it then very slowly drains your soul while standing completely still. This means the Flicker is very vulnerable while doing this, and can be attacked and killed during the process. Also, since you have to stare into the eye for it to work, the Ghost Girls' invisibility might prevent that, though this is debatable.

Black Hole: As mentioned before, the Black Hole Drone is by far the strongest ability on Content Warning’s side. So how practical is it? well, it depends. For one, the black hole requires a long countdown by the drone before it is deployed. This means there’s a lot of time for the drone to be stopped, and since the countdown happens in close quarters, it's very likely too. The important thing to mention is that the black hole is a complete suicide move due to the nature of a black hole. Not only will it wipe out the Lethal forces, but the Content warning forces as well. So would this make for a stalemate then? Well, this is where we talk about the most debatable part of the blog for sure: “Would the black hole affect the Ghost Girl?” This is a hard-to-determine question since it's such a strange interaction and fiction. On one hand, since black holes eat light itself you could argue it would consume the ghost Girls “Photons” in a way. On the other hand, it's a Ghost, she probably doesn’t abide by real-world physics in any way so there’s an argument she’d be unaffected by the black hole completely. Either way, the sheer speed and strength advantage of Lethal Company’s side would allow them to decommission the drone, Effectively removing Content Warning’s best win condition. Should the drone be able to put the black hole into effect, however, then the best they can do is force a stalemate.

Tertiary Factors

In terms of experience, this most likely goes to the Lethal Company Monsters by default. They’ve been alive on the moons for hundreds of years, while we have no direct age for how old the Content Warning monsters are. 

As for Skill, that's rather hard to decide given the animalistic nature of both factions. They both have monsters intelligent enough to engage in stealth tactics. As well as certain monsters being able to trick and deceive others. Neither shows amazing proficiency with their weapons either, so it’s safe to say they tie in this category.

Next, probably the biggest advantage Content has overall in this fight is numbers. They have far more monsters in this fight and even more, if the Snail spawner gets to work. However, with how much stronger and faster the Lethal Company Monsters are in general, it's safe to say they could effectively deal with the numbers advantage. 

Finally, An additional advantage the Lethal Company Monsters have in this fight is interestingly size. Forest Giants and Old Birds are so much bigger than the Content Warning Monsters that it would be genuinely hard for the Content Warning Monsters to properly fight them. This especially applies to the Sand Worm, whom the Content Warning Monsters can’t really engage in combat with at all since they reside underground mainly, only leaving occasionally to jump out and strike.

Unused Entities 

What's this, a new section? As mentioned before the verdict, we’re going to discuss if the Cut Content Warning Monsters would affect the debate. And while they do give Content some new tricks, the verdict would actually stay the same. We’ll briefly mention the important monsters and why.

Mimic Man: With that big explosive tank on his back, the Mimic Man may seem like a big threat, however, his tank isn’t programmed to explode yet, meaning it's impossible to determine its deadliness, let alone calculate anything.

Angler: The Angler is huge and can lure monsters into getting sucked into his mouth. But realistically, any big units like the Giants should be able to just stat stomp it


Wallo: Wallo is potentially the biggest game-changing monster here with his unique ability to BFR. Can this get Content Warning the win? Probably not. For one, Wallo’s BFR requires him to grab and pull someone through a portal in his chest. Even ignoring that, the stringer Lethal Monsters could probably just resist getting grabbed; Wallo can’t fit any monster larger than him through his portal, which limits his usefulness. Also, it's important to mention that the realms he sends you to are escapable through exits (granted some of them require platforming which the non-flying Lethal monsters probably can’t do), but some realms are rather more straightforward mazes than anything else, of which the Lethal Company monsters could probably escape. 

Ghost: When you see Ghost you probably go “Oh they can fight ghost girl!” Does Content Warning finally have a proper counter to her? The answer to that is sadly no. The Content Warning Ghost is unable to fight he does nothing. Granted you could argue Ghost Girl couldn’t attack the Ghost as well since we’ve never seen her affect other spirits, which is another argument for a stalemate. However, someone who doesn’t fight or do anything probably shouldn't be considered a combatant in this debate at all.

Lethal Company Monsters



  • Stronger and more durable with every monster.

  • Earthworm is massively stronger and fights in a way Content can’t deal with.

  • Electric bees could take advantage of the Content warning Monsters shock weakness…

  • Better melee via the Barber.

  • Far greater weaponry with the Old Bird.

  • Faster….

  • Any kills with Masked creates more Masked...

  • Can blitz the Flicker and Blackhole drones before they use their abilities.

  • Ghost Girl can resist the black hole…

  • yippee!!!

  • Zeekers deserves his success


  • Similar Fire and Web abilities

  • Both have flying units

  • Similar in skill and intelligence 


  • Smaller army.

  • …though a few Content warning monsters are immune to shocks.

  • …but with only certain monsters.

  • …This method is less effective than the Snail Spawner.

  • …although this is debatable.

  • Would be annihilated (Mostly) if the black hole deployed.

Content Warning Monsters

"Great energy chat."


  • Much larger army.

  • Better guns.

  • Barnacles Poison gas is something Lethal Monsters lack resistance to.

  • Flicker’s soul hax could dura neg any Lethal Company monster, including Ghost Girl...

  • Snail Spawner could increase their numbers further …..

  • Black hole COULD Kill all Lethal Company Monsters…

  • BFR could get rid of certain Company Monster threats…..

  • Their entire lore is actually just this meme (Fenic made me put this here please god help me)


  • Similar Fire and Web abilities.

  • Flight.

  • Similar in skill and intelligence.


  • Far weaker and less durable than every Lethal Company monster.

  • Way slower than certain Lethal Company monsters.

  • …But this ability is very slow and they can be easily interrupted and killed.

  • ….but the Snails are limited and the Snail Spawner could die.

  • …but it can be easily prevented from happening, and even in the best-case scenario this would be a stalemate where everyone dies.

  • …..but the BFR has clear limitations and can’t work on everyone.

  • Has no way around the Ghost Girl.


In the end, this is a solid victory for the Lethal Company Monsters. Content warning had many advantages, including a larger army and some very strong hax. The Lethal Monsters had the stats and abilities to properly deal with them. The numbers advantage didn’t mean much with the sheer AP gap, and the speed of the Lethal Company Monsters meant they could blitz Flicker and the Black Hole drone before they could use their powers. Even if the black hole was deployed, there's an argument the ghost girl will just survive it anyway. The Content Warning monsters sure were a touch bunch, but the Lethal Company monsters had what it took to be the last monsters standing. The Winner is The Lethal Company Monsters.

Final Tally

Lethal Company Monsters (4) - Fenic, Zack, Curry, Saul.

Content Warning Monsters (0)

Stalemate (0)

Howdy, Fenic Here, thank you so much for reading this blog. It was a huge passion project between me and some friends. Speaking of them, Huge thanks to Saul, Zack, and Curry for helping me out on this blog, I really couldn’t have done it without them. Also credit and thanks to Tru for doing many of the Calcs for this blog. As for the Future, I’ve got a full blog wave planned, and as for next time, things are gonna get quite murderous.

Next Time

Flumpty Bumpty vs The Entity (One Night at Flumpties vs Dead by Daylight)

Mark vs Evelyn (Adventures With Markiplier vs Everything Everywhere All At Once)

(TN by Fenic) (TN by Curry) (TN by NormallyNormal) (TN by Kars) ← left the blog lol rip bozo “Being present is being connected to All Things...