Wednesday, November 27, 2024

SCP-939 vs The Mimic (SCP vs Vita Carnis)


“Mimicry is praised, while originality dies a lonesome death” -Scribe in Soliloquy

SCP-939, the voice mimicking Redwolves from the SCP Foundation.

The Mimic, the Trucidatum Carnis doppelgangers from Vita Carnis.

Trust no-one, the motto of many in our world. Individuals exist who wish to deceive and trick us, and manipulate until we’re gone. But what if this was just instinct? What if, encrypted in our very DNA, was the ability to lure those in. These two creatures are the best at it. But who would win in a fight to the death? Come down to Fenic’s Fighting Blogs to find out which deceptive species will feast tonight, and which will be the other's dinner.

Before We Start…

In terms of media, naturally there will be some clarification due to the infamously strange canon of SCP. For 939, we will be using both their main files as well as all the tales they’ve been in. We felt this was fitting as the 939 species is portrayed very consistently throughout the mythos as a whole, with little-to-none variation between versions (though videos and games will be used as a visual aid, but will not be included in the research). The Mimic is way simpler; it's just the Vita Carnis series and a few of the creator's interviews (Some images come from the game Pillar Chase 2 on Roblox, but won’t be used for scaling since it isn’t official). Also, this fight will take both combatant’s species at their peaks, meaning the Mimic’s different forms will be included, and so will all feats and scaling applicable to a member of the species (as none have any notable individuals).



“HeeeEllllp me…”

Secure, Contain, Protect, these were the words and main objective of the SCP Foundation. The foundation’s main objective is to protect humanity from anything anomalous, contain those anomalous creatures and, of course, secure them so they can never harm the oblivious people of this world. These anomalies vary between different containment classes.

Safe: Anomalies that are simple to understand and require little resources to contain.

Euclid: Anomalies whose mechanisms are nebulous and hard to grasp, making them harder to keep under wraps.

And, of course,

Keter: Anomalies that require vast amounts of time and resources just to stop.

While one may picture the last group as world-ending phenomena or all-powerful and hateful entities, which would be correct, some may simply be a fellow apex predator. A threat that targets the core value of human society: trust.

SCP-939, known by the staff as “With Many Voices,” are anomalous, red-meat like creatures. Their origins are unknown, yet they've existed alongside humanity all along, adapting to our complex social systems by mimicking our voices. As one man fell, another voice would be stolen, and just as soon as anyone spotted them, they would forget, almost as if there was something in the air, leaving humans none the wiser to the monsters that lurked behind the fleeting shadows out of the corner of their eyes.

Eventually, much like how life always does, humanity learned, they adapted, and they knew to avoid the voices of the departed, and thus, the creatures evolved further. As they birthed more of themselves, they began to resemble more and more the humans they hunted, and likewise, humans would begin raising them, unaware of the monsters that had now infiltrated their homes, and that would soon leave no trace or memory of their very existence-

WARNING! You do not possess the credentials to access these files. Exit this page at once and report to your site supervisor for relocation.

The Mimic

“Knocking on the door”

Once upon a time, on a distant land named Earth, a beautiful kingdom was formed with a perfect royal family to take care of them. This family used to travel both land and sea to find new worlds and wonders beyond their castle; however, one tragic day, a storm would engulf their ship and separate the Prince from their family. Miraculously, instead of dying, he arrived on an island and was found by strange critters, who made sure he recovered, guarding him until he could return to his family. Ages passed, and the critters would re-emerge, now taking on a new form. The Singularities.

These beings expanded in secret their own species, forming the Crawl, and from it, the Vita Carnis. The species would slowly take form, from the small Trimmings that cowered in fear, to the Meat Snakes that wandered across the dead, these creatures, in a strange way, fit right in, seemingly leaving humanity unbothered. But soon, something else came out with them…

A new Trimming?

It appeared skinnier, and instead of cowering, it aimed to hunt. As they grew and grew, humanity found itself, for the first time, truly threatened. The natural order had caught up to them, and now, much like every other animal, they would be hunted by the Earth's apex predator: The Mimic.

The Mimics would expand throughout the world, stalking and learning our way of life. Adapting. Mimicking. They would wear our clothes, wait till we were alone, vulnerable, defenseless. They targeted the weak points in our societal structure, infiltrating it and merely waiting for someone to slip out of line, for that single moment of solitude every human inevitably faces, striking and fleeing before they ever became the wiser. Humanity fought back, creating videos to inform each other how to defend themselves, but many simply saw these new beings as necessary change and merely embraced them, creating their own cult to praise these beings, and as each day goes by, and the species grows and grows, humanity’s only hope rests on the Prince, to one day awaken from his eternal sleep.

This blog is brought to you by the National Living Meat Research.

Experience & Skill


(From SCP: Secret Laboratory)

Having been on Earth ranging anywhere from several decades to up to hundreds of thousands of years (depending on the canon you use), the 939 species have been hunting all manner of sapient prey. The species hunts almost exclusively in packs, using their mimicry of human speech to lure and murder unsuspecting victims ranging from both animals and sapient species such as humans, before finishing them with one well-placed bite to the neck or cranium. Even trained agents from the SCP Foundation have fallen to deception from SCP-939 on their initial encounter, and supposedly 939s were predators even to the Yeren, an ancient civilization of what we call “Bigfoots” who were both physically and intellectually far superior to humanity (though it is heavily implied it was via ambushes). In at least one instance where a 939 instance was raised like a normal human child, they appeared to retain the equivalent intelligence, reasoning, and speech of a human child their age. This may imply that 939 instances have the potential to match human intelligence under the right conditions, though we have yet to really see this.

The Mimic

Mimics, alongside the rest of the Vita Carnis species, have been on earth for a good while. They originally arrived suddenly in the 1930’s, and they have been preying on humanity ever since. They are lone hunters stated to be the apex predator in the animal kingdom and between the Vita Carnis’ species, even better than the Harvester and the Host, who are smart enough to trick both animals and humans into their traps and use their biome to their favor. Outside of this, the Mimics have shown to camouflage and hide as a human very well, usually not being noticeable between a large crowd, and also mimic sounds to manipulate and eventually corner their victims. Their most notable skill is their tactical and analytical skills, being able to memorize a target’s routine through stealthful stalking, before finding the exact moment to strike when their victim is at their most vulnerable (usually when sleeping), and ensuingly fleeing the scene to digest. The Elder Mimics should be even smarter, being described as one of the most efficient hunters in the world, and generally possessing much more experience than a conventional Mimic.




(From SCP: Secret Laboratory)

Sharp claws that 939 can use to cut up unsuspecting foes. They have three claws on each of their four limbs.


(From SCP: Containment Breach)

939 has a mouth filled to the brim with long, red, and slightly luminescent teeth. Perfect for finishing off its victims and devouring them.

The Mimic


Vita Carnis Meat Mimic GIF - Vita Carnis Meat Mimic - Discover & Share GIFs

Its most recognizable trait, the Mimic possesses very long fingers on its hand with no fingernails. Naturally, they are quite useful for opening doors and cabinets, as well as restraining its victims.


Don’t let the happy face fool you. The Mimic has far more teeth than the average human, as well as them being almost entirely incisors. Their teeth are designed to bite into meat and swallow entire chucks at a time.




Kenneth Crooker - SCP-939 Concept Art (SCP: Project Upsilon)

SCP-939 are large, four legged hound-like creatures (although they're more related to jellyfish) weighing on average 250 kg and standing around 2.2 meters tall while upright. Besides its red flesh-like skin, 939 has a very unique biology that notability lacks many vital organs. In fact it completely lacks any nervous, circulatory, and digestive system. It seemingly doesn't need to eat or breathe either. As a result of this, 939 don't feel any pain, and will still be “alive” even if their body is highly damaged. 939 can also give birth to live young, though how their reproductive cycle even works is a mystery. Though very strangely, infant 939 have been said to resemble human children in appearance, before they grow up and morph into the classic adult form.

Stealth Mastery

SCP: Secret Lab player who 'can't remember s***' invents their own custom  mapping tool like a horror game MacGyver | PC Gamer

(From SCP: Secret Laboratory)

939 are ambush predators, so naturally they are quite good at stealth. Their main hunting strategy involves luring their prey into an area where they are vulnerable, and jumping them once they have the chance. They also prefer to stay in dark areas in order to become even more hidden.

Sound Manipulation

(From TheRubber on YT)

The core ability of SCP-939 is its voice mimicry. As the title suggests, it has the ability to fully replicate almost any voice it hears. This isn't limited to just humans as 939 have been recorded to replicate other animals before during hunts. The primary purpose of this imitation is to lure its victims in for an ambush. It is currently unknown exactly how 939 can mimic voices. Some specimens have managed to mimic a person's voice without even hearing them speak. It's also worth noting that 939’s vocal mimicry is so accurate to the original voice that it can trick voice activated systems into working. 

Enhanced senses

939 possesses multiple eye spots and spines that run the length of its back. These give the 939 heightened senses that allow them to detect things even in darkness by sensing changes in the air. Though, it's worth noting that these spines are highly-sensitive to touch, to the point even a stray rock or a punch is enough to disorient the specimen and leave them wide-open to being killed.

Anesthetic Breath

(From SCP-Explained on YT)

One of SCP-939’s most unique abilities is that it can breathe a chemical known as AMN-C227. This chemical compound is an aerosolized amnestic rated as a Class C by the SCP Foundation, which classifies it as a Targeted Retrograde amnestic meant for precise removal of memories. Specifically, it causes temporary anterograde amnesia, inhibiting the ability to form memories for as long as someone is exposed to and under its effects plus an average of 30 additional minutes. AMN-C227 is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, and undetectable within the bloodstream 60 minutes after exposure. Sensations of disorientation and hallucinations akin to recreational psychoactive substances are reported following immediate removal from environments saturated with AMN-C227.

While rendering prey disoriented and confused may be bad enough, AMN-C227 also serves another disturbing purpose: to lure in prey that have escaped. After being exposed once to AMN-C227, secondary exposure to it will trigger a sensation of familiarity that draws in prey to higher concentrations of the chemical, which are typically dens of SCP-939 instances. Essentially, people that have survived prior run-ins with SCP-939 find themselves subconsciously lured into the jaws of a hostile species they've forgotten entirely about.

The Mimic

Carnis Physiology

The Vita Carnis family share a similar physiology with some slight changes. They are all meat creatures made of bones, muscles and organs, and resembling mammals without skin. Some of them have even shown to evolve to a mature state like the Meat Snake and the Mimic (This Mimic form is called an Elder Mimic, where its physiology changes drastically). In Mimic’s case, its body is reminiscent of that of a human, having longer limbs and fingers, and a bigger mouth that resembles a smile, with a lot more teeth. Their sizes can vary a bit, but they are usually around 7 ft, a bit higher than a normal human male. All of these pieces combined make a really strong predator and a danger to lonely humans.

Stealth Mastery

Mimic’s operate almost entirely through stealth. While their skin is bright red they can easily wear clothes to hide it and follow prey pretty easily, looking fairly similar to a human. They are also surprisingly silent, not being able to hear their steps or when they are sprinting to catch someone. The Elder Mimics also have the quality of a darker skin, giving them extra camouflage in the dark with the exception of their faces.

Sound Manipulation

In order to lure or startle their prey, Mimics will make a variety of sounds. A common noise they’ll make is an imitation of door knocking. Though according to the QNA, Mimics can semi replicate parts of human speech as well.  

Body Contortion

Trucidatum Carnis | Vita Carnis Wiki | Fandom

Mimics are capable of contorting their body’s in order to fit inside of smaller places. They often use this in order to hide inside of common objects like furniture. They can also expand their body’s in order to increase their intimidation.


Mimics are known to evolve constantly throughout their lives. As juveniles, they grow and feed on progressively larger and larger prey, till they eventually undergo a metamorphosis into the next stage of their life cycle, evolving once more later on into one of two different forms.

Forms (If Applicable)



SCP - 939 Chibi by Neutron-Quasar on DeviantArt

(Art credit)

They’re just little doggos.

The Mimic

Humanoid Mimic

Trucidatum Carnis | Vita Carnis Wiki | Fandom

If a Mimic has a consistent food source, it will slowly morph into becoming more human-like in appearance. This includes its skin tone changes, growing hair, and beginning to wear clothing. After this transformation, the Mimic begins to blend into human society, now being capable of luring humans far more easily.

Elder Mimic

Trucidatum Carnis | Vita Carnis Wiki | Fandom

If a Mimic has an overabundance of humans to feed on, the Mimic will transform into an extremely strong apex predator known as an Elder. Elder Mimics grow very tall and gain much longer limbs. Their skin not only turns pitch black, but grows a thick and flexible layer, making them highly durable. The teeth of an elder also move to the back of their throats, being replaced by a toothless smile; this aids them in shredding meat as they swallow it, not wasting time on chewing. Most terrifyingly, the more they consume, the tougher their skin becomes, making them harder and harder to kill as they develop, not helped by the fact that a Mimic only transforms into an elder after consuming an exorbitant amount of humans, making them MUCH tougher than a regular Mimic. Due to their new coloration, Elder Mimics blend almost completely into darkness, with the exception of their newly pale face. They also gain a massive increase in skill, becoming the most efficient hunter on the planet.


We interrupt this blog for a moment to announce the new Mimic plush. It's a comforting way to show your children to not fear these creatures and that they are always safe when they have that little companion. They are cuddly, huggable, and we can assure you that they won't try and- -.. --- -. - / - .-. ..- ... - / - .... . -- --..-- / -.. --- -. - / -... ..- -.-- / - .... . -- .-.-. 

Buy now!





  • Became one of Earth’s top predators since even ancient times.

  • Fought back against Vanguard organizations meant to hunt them down.

  • Scared away and traumatized Robo Monkey.

  • Successfully baffles the SCP foundation even in the modern day.

  • Proved that grounded SCPs are actually super cool.


(From SCP: Containment Breach)



The Mimic


(From Pillar Chase 2)

  • Became the apex predator on Earth.

  • Mimics managed to blend perfectly between humans.

  • Became masters at luring prey and manipulating them.

  • Its episodes are some of the most watched videos of the series.

  • It isn’t the Vita Carnis with the worst taste.

  • Became the first analog monster in Pillar Chase 2.






RoboMonkey (Debatable, see Before the Verdict)

SCP-2006 aka Robomonkey or Robo for short, is a very unique SCP with the ability to transform into other SCPs. During the story “The Witch Returns” Robo fought with the Infamous Dr Clef, and during the fight, there’s a moment where he outright transforms into an SCP-939 to fight momentarily, meaning there’s an argument for scaling.

Since he kept up with him in combat, Robo would scale to Dr Clef who can do the following:

The Children of The Night (Debatable, see Before the Verdict)

In a tale called Most Beautiful Things, a member of the [REDACTED PER PROTOCOL 4000-ESHU] recalled members of SCP-939, called “the false voices from the forest”, were capable of hunting and killing SCP-1000 individuals, also known as The Children of The Night or the Yeren. While there isn’t any doubt that 939s have killed 1000 members, the context around it may not be as straightforward as to lead to direct scaling. More on this later before the verdict.

Note that the SCP-1000 article itself acknowledges the different origin stories and canons regarding the Children of The Night seemingly coexisting and implies it has something to do with with history being reset by SCP-2000, so whether you think they are all valid or should be separated between canons is up to you. Feats between different canons will be marked.

The Mimic

Other Vita Carnis Subspecies

Since the Mimic is stated to be the Apex Predator on Earth, it should scale above the conventional members of its species, with the exception of the Monoliths and the Singularities.

  • The Crawl: Nothing remarkable

  • Trimming: Nothing remarkable

  • Meat Snake

  • The Harvester:

  • The Host of Influence:




Their amnestic breath luring in people once exposed to it is also a double-edged sword, as it can be used to narrow-down locations of 939 dens and allow for much more prepared forces to exterminate these instances. Additionally, the breath almost always goes into full effect after an encounter with a 939, not during one, meaning it's not super effective mid-combat. For example, the gas didn’t affect Robo until he ran away from a 939 and hid for a while. Even then trained professionals like Dr Clef can just shake the gas off. Also, 939 have a major weak spot in their highly sensitive spines. In fact all it takes is a single bullet graze, stray rock, or even a normal punch from a human to completely disorient a 939, giving you plenty of opportunity to either escape or kill it. Finally, as scary as they may seem, 939 have rather consistently been shown to be killable by just gunfire.

The Mimic

While Mimics are an extreme threat to humanity, there are numerous ways to actually deal with them. For one, simply staying in an open area is enough to ward them off, as most Mimics don’t like to attack if their prey has an obvious escape route. They're also stated by the Mimic Defense Tape to hesitate when it comes to attacking those they perceive as threats. Additionally, a Mimic’s disguise can be thwarted if you can recognize their signature body traits such as their long fingers and weird walking. There's also the fact that despite having some intelligence, Mimics are ultimately just animals, and have shown to be outsmarted and captured by capable organizations.

Before the Verdict

Is Robo Scaling Valid?

Siggy and robomonkey]] is surprisingly edgy for a heartwarming tale :  r/DankMemesFromSite19

Robo scaling is… interesting to say the least. On the surface Robo turning into a 939 seems like valid scaling to a normal 939 to both himself and Clef, but this has notable issues. For one, Robo should keep his reaction speed between his forms just like his personality. This makes scaling to his or Clef’s speed feats basically impossible since a normal 939 would absolutely not be as fast. Robo also survives attacks in his fight not through durability, but through a healing factor that normal 939 don't have. Clef is very blatantly able to overpower and break Robo’s limbs in this form. Not to mention, Robo doesn't actually land any hits on Clef in this part of the fight, Clef dodges literally everything while he's 939, so he can’t scale to Clef's durability either. Now, Robo parrying Clef's sword does seem fine to use, but Clef is only consistently at peak human levels of strength so this really gives nothing new.

SCP-1000 scaling?

Exploring SCP-1000 scaling was very interesting to say the least, given how different canons treat this race of Bigfoots (“It’s called Bigfeet, dumbass.” -NormallyNormal). The most consistent ends obviously are that they’re superhumanly strong, which was a given with their heights ranging from three to six meters tall and being able to manhandle humans in a physical confrontation. But the real meat of the discussion around SCP-1000 instances are their quite frankly ridiculous feats of bringing down godly reality-warpers like Queen Mab, Adam El Asem, and even physical manifestations of The Scarlet King, having crazy anime-style magic battles, and an empire on an interplanetary scale between some of the canons we looked through. Now, obviously, these are their feats as a civilization and with all their tech and magic between different canons, but even discounting those a few other feats stood out. Namely, in Project Paragon where in SCP-6666 we have SCP-073 (Cain) claim the Children of The Night could survive tank fire and scaling over humans in that era being capable of superhuman feats such as smacking a giant down into the Earth's core.

The thing is though that while there’s maybe enough vagueness to grant some SCP-1000 instances that level of physical strength, it’s not likely the entire race would scale to that level of physical strength. For one, it’s simply more consistent that most members of SCP-1000 are closer to the scale of humans and can be both harmed and killed by conventional human weaponry. And while yes, it is stated in the original SCP-1000 article that most of the species is degraded after the Day of Flowers, along with other canons throwing in that humanity was also more powerful in ancient times, scaling your average random Yeren of that time to a guy named “Sky King Sarus IX von Apollyon” is very shaky. The Kings of Night would likely be more apt candidates for scaling to such feats, not their subjects. Additionally, Cain’s statement does seem fine at first glance, but with how it’s written you can just as easily interpret it as Cain believing any conventional form of conflict by modern humans wouldn’t be enough to match the Children of The Night.

Tl;dr: While it probably is valid to scale a “peak” SCP-1000 instance physically to some of this stuff, a random member of the species likely wouldn’t even come close to that level of power.

Also worth pointing out a few caveats. First is that we technically don’t get a direct scene of a 939 instance killing a 1000 member, it all comes from Queen Mab’s recollection. The only context we get to how they hunt the Yeren is via fooling them with their mimicry, heavily implying they can only hunt them through ambushes, which is how SCP-939 specimens tend to hunt. And more importantly, 939s are pack hunters. They rely on their numbers to hunt down victims and get the jump on them before they can defend themselves. This, combined with the earlier context, doesn't make it clear if a single 939 can bring down a Yeren or if a whole pack is required, and this is on top of their usual ambush method.

At best, yes the scaling would be roughly 1:1 between members of each species. But with the worst case, you can argue some vague degree of downscaling via still being able to hurt the Yeren and possibly take a hit from them, but again, it’s way too vague to really serve as a clean line of scaling.

Is AMN-C227 layered?

Going by the SCP-6666 article, 1000 can instantly recover from a gas that causes the ceasing of all neurological functions despite exposure lasting thousands of years, and 939's gas presumably works on them. Issues we have with the argument is that:

  1. The relationship between 1000 and 939 is really goddamn vague, since we only know 939 hunted them, but we have no specifics on how and whether the amnestic breath even really came into play all that much.

  2. The two types of gas do function fundamentally differently. The 6666 gas specifically aims to attack and destroy the brain, stopping all neurological functions, while the 939 gas merely influences the brain's thought process, disorienting the victims and causing them to forget, while also mildly influencing them into coming back. One specifically aims to destroy the brain, the other mildly disrupts its functions. So resisting 6666's gas doesn't mean they should also resist 939's gas, so it's unlikely 939's gas can bypass resistances in some way.

Can Mimics actually tank bullets?

Between the two separate educational videos of the Mimics, both give very similar explanations of their biology and behavior. However, there is one major contradiction pertaining to the usage of firearms. In the Living Meat research video, it is directly stated that bullets will straight up not be effective on Mimics. However, in the self defense tape, firearms are encouraged in order to take down Mimics, specifically highlighting that you need to shoot their heads and legs to immobilize them. So what's true? Well, it's weird. According to the official QNA, this is an intentional contradiction, and it's meant to be a mystery how durable Mimics are. This is great for suspense, but for scaling this becomes quite a puzzle. Most of the evidence in the show seems to lean towards the Mimics not resisting bullets. For one, Living Meat research appears to be a biased source in-universe. The symbol of their organization shows their allegiance to the Crawl worshiping cult, and in the episode “New beginnings” it's straight up said that members were arrested for spreading false information to the public that caused harm. Also, in the episode “Facility-0”, a Harvester is one-shotted by a sniper rifle. So it does seem like Mimic’s tanking bullets are simply fake, or is it? Even though it's strongly implied, we still have no direct evidence of the Mimics and how they’d react to bullets. We also don’t know if the LMR misinformation was about the Mimics, or if the Defense Tape was even correct at all. So to sum it up, there’s nothing to confirm or deconfirm Mimics tanking bullets. The best thing to do is to take it as a high-end feat for now.

Everything Regarding the Host of Influence

One of the more interesting members of the Vita Carnis species is the Host of Influence, a being with the power to emit clouds of spores. Once breathed in by an organism, these spores make their way into the victims brain. Once Infected the victim will gradually change their behavior over time, before eventually being fully mind controlled by the host itself, being forced to walk in the hosts direction and sacrifice themselves. Now, on the surface, it does seem weird to suggest that the Mimic would be capable of resisting this mind hax, considering we’ve never seen a Mimic or Host even interact. But when you look a bit deeper it becomes a much more reasonable possibility. Let's start with the obvious, both Mimics and the Host are brother species with very similar biologies. All members of the Vita Carnis species are made entirely of the Living Meat, and all of them are created from the Crawl. This would include the spores that the Host makes use of, and the Host can naturally resist its spores. This means that it's very possible a Mimic could resist the spores as well due to their similar physiologies, backed up further by the fact that we’ve never heard of spores affecting other Carnis members before. There’s another aspect that could back up this resistance, that being strategy. Hosts tend to release their spores into populated urban areas, which coincidentally is where Mimics hunt for their prey. There’s an obvious collision here that would put the Mimics in the danger zone to be affected by Host spores, yet again there’s no sign or evidence of Mimics being affected. Is this resistance an assumption? Yes, but it's one that makes sense with the lore of the world, and one that would cause issues if it wasn’t true.

Bonus Art

(By Freddy999M)

(More awesome hand drawn art by Freddy999M)


(By Freddy999M)


Most stats are surprisingly irrelevant in this debate.

For starters, both can instantly kill a normal person with one bite to the head, but although 939 slamming on the Mimic would technically be slightly stronger than the Mimic’s own glass-shattering feat (5 KiloJoules vs 3 KiloJoules), this feat was done by a younger Mimic. An Elder Mimic, who are stated to be superior to a normal Mimic, would significantly upscale this level of strength, to the point their AP would just end up identical anyways. Speed is a similar story; both are certainly very capable in pursuit, chasing down and catching regular people, but ultimately, neither have any real notable speed feats they can scale to. While yes, 939 instances did chase down a Foundation Agent compared to the Mimic chasing down a regular woman, that was, once again, a younger Mimic, which the Elder Mimic would upscale significantly, making speed similarly irrelevant.

So, that's it? Well, there is one stat that's worth mentioning: Lifting strength.

SCP-939 generally lacks impressive lifting strength feats, with their most impressive being crushing the bones of a young girl, but obviously, that's not particularly impressive… cause it's a small girl lol. On the other hand, base Mimics can bite through skulls (498.95 kg) and scales to the Harvester dragging large animal bodies into the soil (640 kg). For comparison, the usual 939 instance weighs 240 kg, meaning an Elder Mimic should be perfectly capable of overpowering, picking up, or pinning down a 939 instance, giving it an easier time landing crucial blows.

Overall, while stats are identical across the board, the Mimic possesses greater lifting strength, lending it an edge in direct confrontations.

Arsenal & Abilities

This is a lot harder to figure out.

For starters, let's address the elephant in the room. SCP-939 and the Mimic are both known for their skills at deception and fooling victims through mimicry… However, that’s ironically not much of a factor here. SCP-939 lacks the visual or auditory systems to be fooled by the Mimic's attempts to fool it, and while 939's voice imitation could let it fool and surprise the Mimic at first by luring it into a false sense of security, it's unlikely this wouldn't really work in a direct confrontation, and at best, it’d only work once.

The more noteworthy ability in 939’s kit is the Amnestic gas, which does, on paper, appear to be a clear game winner, though it has its limitations. Generally, while it would slightly disorient the Mimic, it wouldn't do much in a fight, and would only take effect after the fight is over, at which point, there's not much use to it. Additionally, the Mimic potentially resisting the Host of Influence’s spores would let it resist the gas to begin with. Both mess with a victim’s ability to process and think clearly by targeting their brain, meaning that if you buy the Mimic’s resistance, it would be able to shave off 939’s gas without much issue. Of course, this is only hypothetical, so you can choose to not use the resistance if you find the arguments unconvincing, but ultimately, the gas wouldn't come into play much one way or another.

Now let's cover the most fascinating part of the debate: their inherent physiologies. Both are very difficult to kill. Due to 939’s lack of internal organs, it can survive impossible levels of damage and pain and simply keep going, while the Elder Mimic's skin is so tough, it can shake off piercing damage and only becomes tougher the more it consumes. This makes either landing a lethal hit quite difficult, although it is important to note that, although both are comparable in stats, since 939's main form of attack is its teeth and claws, the Elder Mimic's skin would generally make it much harder to actively harm it, letting it shave off 939's hits much more easily than vice-versa, especially considering its advantages as a bipedal hunter. It possesses longer limbs, meaning it can attack while keeping its own vitals, notably, its neck and head, away from 939, who generally relies on ending fights by attacking vital weak points, and it would also make it easier to wrestle and pin down 939 (helped by its superior lifting strength), leaving it wide-open for attacks.

Besides their survivability, SCP-939's best tool (and worst weakness) are their spikes, which would let them easily shut down Mimic's stealth options due to sensing changes in the air, keeping tracks on it at all times. However, due to their reliance on their spikes for sensing, this also makes them very easy to exploit. The Mimic merely grazing or slamming unto them, intentionally or not, would significantly disorient 939, and if the Mimic ever realizes this, it could simply use its superior strength and range to rip them off, leaving the 939 blinded and vulnerable. Even if the Mimic doesn't piece it together, its normal attacks and attempts to rip 939 apart would very likely lead to it striking or destroying them a couple of times, which would be devastating for 939, making them easy pickings for the hungry Mimic.

This leads into the biggest point of this debate: win-cons. While both are hard to kill, all the Mimic really needs to do to win is rip 939 apart till it simply can't fight anymore, something it is perfectly capable of doing. On the other hand, 939 would have a really hard time actually landing any meaningful hits on the Mimic, and again, those moments of vulnerability created by its spikes would give the Mimic the chance it needs to, more times than not, deliver the finishing blow.

Tertiary Factors

While both can be simply written off as mindless beasts, both hold their own set of advantages here, fitting for such lethal hunters.

SCP-939 has shown much better displays of stamina, chasing down a Foundation Agent for hours, while the Mimic’s own chase has a much more ambiguous, and likely shorter, timeframe. Also, Mimics generally need to rest after a hunt to digest their meals, making their stamina much less impressive by comparison. Additionally, 939 instances have been shown to engage in direct combat, while Mimics generally tend to avoid confrontations against actual threats to their well-being. Of course, it's not like Mimics would never fight, as there are instances of persistence Mimics chasing down difficult prey for extended periods of time, despite having already captured a victim to feed on, showing that Mimics are seemingly willing to engage unfavorable conditions if they wish, but overall, 939 has simply demonstrated more affinity to combat.

That being said, 939 specimens generally rely on pack-hunting when it comes to hunting down foes, while Mimics are solely lone hunters, and not only that, but they've showcased much clearer examples of tactical thinking and intelligence, memorizing a victim's routine and identifying moments where they are vulnerable, as well as utilizing specific tactics to lure their victim into a corner, and even successfully copying human behaviour and fashion. While SCP-939 is capable of luring and fooling victims with its mimicry, it has been noted by the Foundation that it's unclear whether it actually understands what these words mean, and while you can make a similar argument for the Mimic, the point is that it consistently has better showings of intellectual understanding and strategies, ultimately giving it an easier time over the course of this fight identifying 939's weaknesses and moving in for a killing blow.



(From SCP: Secret Laboratory)

"The Redwolves are a menace. There’s no other way to describe them. They are not an animal that hunts to survive, they are a malevolent scourge upon the Earth, and there’s no reason to keep them alive.”


  • Much superior stamina.

  • More showings in direct combat…

  • Spikes counter all forms of stealth.

  • Immunity to pain would let it keep fighting for longer.

  • Mimicry could be used for an ambush at first…

  • Better battlefield control via Spines.

  • Amnesia breath is a potential win-con…

  • Grounded SCPs are cool actually.


  • Comparable AP.

  • Comparable Speed.

  • Physiology makes it hard to land a lethal hit.


  • …But they rely on fighting as a pack.

  • Striking its spines would leave it vulnerable, and potentially blinded if removed.

  • Would be incapacitated if ripped to pieces.

  • Main form of attack would be ineffective.

  • …But it wouldn't help much in the long run.

  • Worse lifting strength.

  • Lesser range.

  • …But it’s impractical mid-fight and could be resisted.

  • Made us read a hundred children of the night stories only for it to not even matter.

The Mimic

“As of the time of this video's release, we have been facing a concerning increase of missing persons and fatalities on a global scale.”


  • Far better reach with its long limbs.

  • Better lifting strength.

  • Better showings of tactics and intelligence.

  • Elder Mimic physiology counters 939’s main form of attack.

  • Bipedalism gives it an inherent advantage in direct combat…

  • No real exploitable weakness.

  • Could exploit 939's vulnerabilities given enough time.

  • Marketable plushie.

  • Vita Carnis is absolutely amazing pls watch it.


  • Comparable AP.

  • Comparable Speed.

  • Physiology makes it hard to land a lethal hit.


  • Technically less survivability.

  • Mimicry is kind of useless.

  • …although it possesses less direct combat experience.

  • Worse showings of stamina.

  • Would be hesitant to fight at first.

  • That one awkward costume mistake.

  • This blog will be immediately outdated with new Vita Carnis episodes.

In the end, this is an incredibly close match-up, with both having their own set of advantages and counters to the other's kit, but when the lies are dispelled, and the truth is laid bare, the Mimic's greater defenses, range, intelligence, and lack of a clear exploitable weakness carved a bloody end for these Fictus Rara.

The winner is The Mimic.

Final Tally

SCP-939 (0) - Anomaly contained.

The Mimic (7) - Fenic, NormallyNormal, Saul, The Cardinal King, Crimgon, Creepy is in the Megazard, Freddy999M.

Undecided (0) - lol

Howdy, Fenic here, thank you so much for reading this blog, it certainly took way longer than I thought it would, but I'm super happy to have covered one of my favorite horror MUs. But now it is time for credits. First huge thanks to NormallyNormal, The Cardinal king, Crimgon, and Saul for helping me a ton with SCP research. This was my first time covering such a crazy verse and I couldn’t have done it without y’all. Special thanks to Normal specifically for providing literally every calc on this blog. Next, big thanks to Creepy is in the Megazard and Freddy999M for helping me with Vita Carnis research, Freddy specifically deserves props for providing so much amazing art for this project. Now for what's next, well I gotta admit to stuff. As you may have noticed, these blogs have kinda betrayed their planned schedules twice now, I still do have a planned season of blogs, and blogs like Flumpty Entity and Wesker Homelander are still very much planned to be done eventually. But I’ve decided it's better to take things much looser with how I do blogs, for the sake of keeping motivation and getting people interested. There will definitely be some surprise blogs in the future, but if you want a next time for now, well…

Mark vs Evelyn

 (In Space with Markiplier vs Everything Everywhere all at Once)

See y'all around, maybe even in another universe, who knows.

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Mark vs Evelyn (Adventures With Markiplier vs Everything Everywhere All At Once)

(TN by Fenic) (TN by Curry) (TN by NormallyNormal) (TN by Kars) ← left the blog lol rip bozo “Being present is being connected to All Things...