Friday, March 7, 2025

Mark vs Evelyn (Adventures With Markiplier vs Everything Everywhere All At Once)

(TN by Fenic)

(TN by Curry)

(TN by NormallyNormal)

(TN by Kars) ← left the blog lol rip bozo

“Being present is being connected to All Things.”

― S. Kelley Harrell

Mark Iplier, the dimension-hopping intergalactic criminal savior aboard the Invincible II, from In Space With Markiplier.

Evelyn Wang, the middle-aged hero of the multiverse living in a laundromat, from Everything, Everywhere, All At Once.

The Multiverse, the theoretical idea that we exist in but one of many alternate worlds. That for every decision and every possibility that could ever exist, there is another universe just like that. To us normal people this is just a concept we can never prove, but for these individuals, the multiverse is an adventure to end all adventures. Which universe-hopping hero will come out on top? Find out now on Fenic’s Fighting Blogs!

Before We Start…

Neither character’s media list is particularly complex.

For Mark, he will be getting the entire Adventures With Markiplier series (A Date With Markiplier, A Heist With Markiplier, and In Space With Markiplier + additional media relating to them such as BtS videos, the 10-Year Anniversary Commentary, and the ARG), as these are all the same Mark (see Before the Verdict). Due to the nature of the franchise as a whole, Mark will get abilities, items, and scaling he directly has access to across all different paths so long as it can be considered standard to that version of Mark. Additionally, Mark runs into various characters from across Markiplier’s surprisingly long catalog of projects and stories, so since they all exist within the same general multiverse, he will be getting scaling to other Markiplier characters when applicable.

For Evelyn, she will obviously be getting the primary movie, Everything, Everywhere, All At Once, and any other supplementary material, such as Collector's Edition-exclusive content, creator commentaries, interviews, and the Steelbook. The movie's official script and deleted scenes will also be used for further clarification and supplementary evidence.

Also, as per usual we’d like to give full credit to a few sources we used:



I’m starting to realize now that even though we have infinite choices, every single second of our lives, there’s only a handful that really, really matter.

Everything has to begin, and everything has to end.

Mark Iplier was just a regular engineer. While he was a robber in the past, notorious for his attempt to steal a highly-guarded relic from a museum, to mixed results, he moved away from this life and instead aimed to become an engineer, constructing a massive ship to help humanity traverse the stars; the Invincible… It failed. Badly. One day, however, he ran into something that would change his life, and the fate of the multiverse as a whole. A Warp Core, floating somewhere out in space, capable of generating wormholes for long-distance travel through space. This machine was exactly what he needed to finalize his new ship, the Invincible II, and take humanity to a new age. So, after gathering up a crew of the best humanity had to offer (and the best he could find), featuring Celci, the Cryogenics Expert, Gunther, the ADS Specialist, Burt, the Mechanic, and their trusty Captain, he set off with 100,000 colonists to find a new home among the heavens.

However, despite his best efforts, tragedy struck, as the ship’s systems had begun to malfunction and threaten the crew, almost as if they’d been sabotaged. Mark and the Captain scrambled around to try to fix everything… Yet something was off. He seemed to remember events that hadn’t happened, events such as what system would fail next, and even memories of himself dying. As it turns out, the ship’s Warp Core had gone rogue, and a wormhole had been generated in the middle of the ship, one constantly growing and threatening to consume not just the ship’s crew, but everything. Mark and the Captain leaped into it, and discovered that, as a result of its effects, they seemed to have become immortal; whenever they died from one decision, they’d simply wake back up at the ship in their Cryopods. This “blessing” seemed to be what they needed to help them stop the Wormhole, and so the two went on a multiversal adventure, hopping between dimensions, trying every solution to find a way to stop the Wormhole once and for all, but things wouldn’t be as easy as they thought.

Their Warp Core’s creation of the Wormhole had made them targets for the Universal Stability Agency, due to the threat their Wormhole posed on the multiverse, and they were hunted down due to being believed to be the ones who had caused everything. The pair had reached the Warp Core, and when they were about to enter to finally stop the Wormhole, a Lady from the organization intercepted them. She explained how their reckless decisions had affected the multiverse; everytime they died and “reset,” they were just being transported to another universe, dooming everyone in the world they left behind. Their own ignorance had led to the deaths of countless people across the multiverse, and Mark had no idea. He questioned the Captain, holding on to hope that maybe they were innocent and similarly didn’t know, still believing in them as they were separated and he watched the Captain enter the Warp Core’s room. Surely they’d finally be able to stop it!

But it kept going.

Mark kept hopping between universes, trying his best to save his crew everywhere he ended up, and yet he kept failing, and when he failed, another crew would die, and he’d be brought back once again, and he failed, and he came back, and he failed, and he came back, and eventually… he found them. He found the Captain again. He tried to explain how he’d failed them, but then he realized, the Captain had the Warp Crystal, the thing that powered the Warp Core. Had they destroyed it? They needed the Warp Core to end this, didn’t they? Why would they do that? The crew had trusted them. He’d trusted them.

Mark broke. He knew he had to end this, and he’d lost hope on the Captain. He eventually reached the Warp Core once more, but it was gone. He assumed the worst, that the Captain truly had destroyed it, and doomed the multiverse, so he rebuilt it. Through multiple lifetimes, he did everything he could to rebuild the Warp Core, to go back in time and prevent any of this from happening in the first place. To stop the Captain from doing whatever they did in the Warp Core room that had doomed the multiverse to begin with. And once it was done, all he had to do was wait for the Captain to show themselves once more, ambushing them, taking the Warp Crystal and powering up the Warp Core once more. However, the Captain wouldn’t give up; through old reliable pocket sand, the Captain got the upperhand, going to shut off the Warp Core, which had opened up one final wormhole leading to the past. In the end, while Mark plead to the Captain to let him go back, so he could fix everything, the Captain refused, instead taking the Warp Crystal and throwing it into the wormhole, preventing the Warp Core from going back in time to begin with, and so, it was deactivated. Permanently.

Mark lashed out. How could the Captain do this? If he wasn’t back there to stop them, then… the Warp Core wouldn’t be back there? The Warp Core. Mark had found it in space, he thought he’d just rebuilt it, but, what if he was the one to build it to begin with? What if he was the one responsible for sabotaging the ship at the start of this journey? What if he was responsible for sending it back in time and starting everything? What if he was responsible for everything?

He realized it now. Everything had been his fault. He’d lost faith in the Captain, and that had led to so many deaths. He was tired, but now, now that everything had ended, he could finally rest. The multiverse restarted, and now, the Wormhole, and the damage it caused, was gone. After everything, they finally reached that distant world, and humanity could finally thrive once more with this new colony. Mark and the Captain looked down upon their new world with a fresh cup of coffee in their hands and, for the first time in a while, were proud of the choices they made.


It's okay if you can't be proud of me, because I finally am.

Evelyn Quan Wang was once a bright, young Chinese woman. She would eventually leave everything behind to live with her husband, Waymond. Leaving her family, the couple would move to America and purchase a laundromat, excited at the new prospects that could come along with the American Dream. Now, in the present day, Evelyn is a middle-aged woman who spends too much time writing off failed hobbies as business costs, while struggling with her familial relationships. She lives a busy life while taking care of her daughter, Joy, and Gong Gong, her father who recently moved to America to live with her. 

Her boring life would suddenly take a change when Waymond would mysteriously change into a different person altogether, informing her of concepts such as the multiverse. Unable to make sense of anything she was being told, Evelyn would stumble along with Alpha-Waymond, who would teach her how to “verse-jump” and channel other versions of her across the multiverse. Evelyn, due to being a beacon of failure and talentless ability, was the most successful in channeling other versions of herself. 

Her natural talent for verse-jumping would garner the attention of Jobu Tupaki, a version of Joy who got overwhelmed by the multiverse and would become a nihilistic force of nature, warping reality and swapping between universes as she pleased. Trying to protect her family, Evelyn overwhelmed herself the same way Jobu did, resulting in the two meeting and talking. Jobu would convince Evelyn that everything is pointless, and the only salvation they could have is by entering the “Everything Bagel”, a black-hole like construct that could destroy the multiverse. She would cause harm through various versions of her in the multiverse, crushing hope everywhere.

Evelyn would nearly succumb to the hopeless nature she currently felt, only to be saved on the brink of despair by Waymond, who would continue to express hope and love throughout every version of himself in the multiverse. This would bring Evelyn back and help her realize that everything isn’t pointless, leading her to fix her mistakes and save Jobu from the bagel, convincing her of the new viewpoint she had obtained. 

Evelyn would fix her relationship with Joy, pull everything together and reconcile with Waymond, and redo her taxes. Realizing that although there are various universes where she could be living a better life, it’s better to keep focus on her world and make things right. (this Background section doesn’t do justice to her story, go watch the movie!)

Experience & Skill


Though he is often portrayed to be clumsy, Mark has many showcases of genuine skill. Not only can he effortlessly escape handcuffs within seconds, he’s also showcased being able to create complex machinery quite easily, like when he created a modern smartphone out of scrap, or when he built the entirety of the Invincible 2 spaceship (which contains a star and several other advanced devices), later single-handedly fixing all its systems in a minute, and let's not forget his most impressive creation, the Warp Core, which can traverse space-time and generated the biggest, most destructive wormhole the universe has ever seen; so advanced, in fact, not only is it described as being thousands of years more advanced than anything humanity has, it even affected the entire multiverse, including higher-dimensions, and his hacking skills were good enough to later sabotage the ship, again, on his own. While his skill as an engineer is obviously remarkable, he's no slack in other departments; he was a champion digger back in high school, where he later got his masters degree in digging and won second place at the nationals, and apparently his digging skills are so tuned he can identity the exact composition of a structure using only its sound and taste. He can utilize tools such as grappling hooks, medieval weaponry, firearms (while doing acrobatics), escape vehicles, and more, and he's a very-quick learner, successfully picking a lock and hotwiring a car on his first try. He was even able to run every single aspect of a colony composed of 100,000 people all on his own for many years, including fighting off alien attacks threatening it. Despite his loud mouth, he's a surprisingly competent thief, successfully robbing the most secure vault in a museum, incapacitating guards, and taking over an organization specifically created to catch him, and if that's not enough, he apparently has the military training to defuse a bomb. Perhaps his most impressive feat, however, was when he spent decades trapped inside of the Wormhole's time loop, trying to find a way to stop it (in fact, it being implied to have been multiple lifetimes), eventually outsmarting and getting the jump on the Captain, a brilliant and highly-skilled foe.


Everything Everywhere All At Once GIFs |

Despite being a middle-aged immigrant who lives a stressful life as a laundromat owner, Evelyn’s quick mastery of her verse-jumping makes up for her lack of experience. Since verse-jumping transfers the skills, abilities, and experience of different versions of yourself, Evelyn’s personal experience doesn’t matter as different versions of her have huge amounts of experience in all different sorts of talents. Some versions of herself have been training in Kung Fu since their early 20s (Evelyn is 55 by the time of the movie, meaning they'd have 30+ years of experience), outmatching even older martial artists, and others can disarm people and perform Jiu Jitsu against groups of enemies with just their feet or their pinky finger. Soon after learning the basics, she is able to outperform one of Jobu’s followers and defeat countless Alpha-fighters, the group of people who invented Verse-Jumping itself and have been using it for years. Her natural talent for Verse-Jumping is once again exemplified when Evelyn confronts Jobu, being able to match her in combat and actually defeat the bagel brain, who had multiple years worth of experience in reality-warping before their fight. More notably, Jobu (and Evelyn herself later on) is one with infinite alternate versions of herself all at once, feeling, remembering, and experiencing everything they feel, and thus, getting access to all their knowledge and experience, even knowing every possibility, yet Evelyn at her peak could match her. Evelyn was able to master said skill in a short period of time, demonstrated when she used it to defeat Alpha-Verse fighters and Jobu’s followers. She’s also able to perform impossible feats such as turning into a rock and moving as a rock through sheer will.



Useless Junk

Melee Weapons

Ranged Weapons

MISC Tools

Invincible II

A massive spaceship carrying 100,000 space colonists to their new home. Unlike its first iteration, this behemoth is built to live up to its name, having been fully constructed by Mark, and only him and the Captain are capable of altering its systems, making it very secure. Of course, such a large ship naturally comes equipped with a number of built-in systems and protocols:

The Box

The Box, despite its unassuming exterior, is a dangerous multiversal anomaly Mark somehow got his hands on, its contents changing depending on the situation, usually in a way that benefits the user and conveniently gets them out of whatever situation they’re inthough it can also backfire and kill them. It's been stated to cause “strange coincidences,” including stuff that shouldn't have been able to happen, such as a zombie apocalypse. Additionally, the Box can warp time and causality, making events go by unnaturally fast, or causing Mark to “remember” events that haven’t even happened yet, only happened to an alternate version of him, or are happening out of order. It was even causing multiple timelines and realities to begin overlapping, mixing them together in a single dimension.

Throughout A Heist With Markiplier, we’ve seen the Box contain:

Warp Crystal

Given to the Captain by the Warp Core, and stolen by Mark at the end of In Space With Markiplier, the Warp Crystal is likely the most powerful artifact Mark has access to. This relic is paradoxical in nature, having no real origin due to the bizarre time loop of In Space (working on “Bootstrap Paradox” logic), and being designed to stop other paradoxes. In function, it will teleport the user to another universe when they’re about to suffer a fatal blow (although this is inconsistent, see Before the Verdicts), or are about to initiate a paradox, bursting holes in reality to get them away from there, seemingly having access to anywhere in the multiverse and higher-dimensions beyond it. Even attempts to override its effects or directly kill the user through non-conventional means seem to fall short, as it negated the Narrator’s attempts to rewrite the story, and forced time to resume through a time stop, or in another instance, reversed time to prevent the Captain from getting shot.

On a final note, even if someone else steals the Warp Crystal from the user, due to its weird acausality, other versions of the user from both past and future will still have it, and if two Warp Crystals meet, they will be forcefully separated by the Warp Crystals to prevent a paradox, due to the fact that two Warp Crystals coexisting in the same timeline could cause a universal collapse. In one specific example, it forcefully warped Lady, someone who'd stolen the Warp Crystal from a version of the Captain, to a space outside of the multiverse to prevent the two crystals from interacting.

The Wormhole

After creating the Warp Core, Mark unintentionally brought the Wormhole into existence, and with it, a whole myriad of problems for the multiverse (and himself).

While he very much cannot control the Wormhole, it's passively generated by the Warp Core's existence, and he can benefit from its effects, with an older Mark seemingly attempting to use it to grant everyone eternal life, so there's no real reason he shouldn't have it as a part of his arsenal (even if it doesn't fully benefit him).




Verse-Jumping Tech

The Mind & Multiverse in Everything Everywhere All at Once | by  Neuroscience Theater | Medium

Upon meeting Alpha-Waymond, he gives Evelyn a piece of technology that looks like an outdated Bluetooth headset, which happens to just be an outdated Bluetooth headset. It’s the technology that lets an individual “verse-jump” by committing improbable actions, and then pushing the button on the earpiece once the light flashes green. Although Evelyn eventually doesn’t require this tech to verse jump, it’s still a notable piece of her arsenal.

Riot Shield

Evelyn uses a riot shield both defensively and offensively thanks to the skills of a sign thrower. It also can just defy physics by being thrown like a boomerang.

Kitchen Utensils


With the power of a chef, Evelyn can make use of Kitchen Utensils for close-quarters combat. She demonstrates incredible dexterity, being able to twirl metal eggs on a cake slicer and perform rapid chopping movements.

Baseball Bat

Despite its adorable appearance, it’s capable of shattering the windows of a laundromat.

Dominatrix Gear

Comes with a gag ball, a spiked collar, a chained collar, handcuffs, a whip, and a fox mask for some reason. We also see she has a furry tail butt plug, and various variations of whips and gags

Going off of the script, she’d also have a limp bag of cocaine, porno magazines, and an X-Box.

Yes, this was crucial to include.

Viking Axe

Pretty cool, innit?

Jobu’s Equipment (Debatable)

Evelyn should in theory be capable of summoning and using every item Jobu has shown off, which includes the following:

Dual-Wieldable Dildos

Despite their unsightly appearance, they're quite useful for beating, serving as great blunt weapons. They're certainly a pain in the ass to anyone who gets hit by one.

Various Melee Weapons

ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ — waymond-wang: I am your daughter. Your daughter...

Jobu wields a sword but also shows she's capable of rapidly warping it into a large amount of other potential objects. Those being:

  • Sword

  • Sword ON FIRE!!!

  • Canoe paddle

  • A bird on a stick

  • A chicken

  • Broom

  • Kitchen Knife

  • Baseball Bat

  • Hatchet

  • Shovel

  • Trident

  • Bagel Flag

  • Curved bladed-weapon (Scythe?)

  • A broomstick

  • Spatula

  • An Oscar

  • Pixelated Torch

  • Pixelated Shovel

  • Skeleton-Arm

  • Mushroom

  • Walking cane

  • Snake-Shaped Staff

The Script (Kinda)

Jobu gives Evelyn a book literally titled after the movie. When Evelyn opens this book, she sees an exact replica of the current scene, same words being spoken and all. Presumably, this book also contains past and future scenes of the story, though that is more speculative.

The Everything Bagel (Very Debatable)


Created by Jobu after she literally put everything on a bagel until it collapsed in on itself. The “Everything” here being actual concepts like Jobu’s hopes and dreams as well as every listing on Craigslist, hoping it would be able to kill her.




Electricity Manipulation

He does this.

Enhances Senses

He could identify the age of food just after a short sniff, hear someone breathing despite them being completely silent, and through sheer sound and taste alone, he figured out each individual layer of material below them.


Mark has shown the ability to teleport from one place to another with zero explanation, even teleporting an entire prison block through technology.


Mark can pull items out of nowhere rather consistently, as well as magically change his outfit in an instant.

Social Influencing

Mark’s charisma can, at times, border on the supernatural. When brought to prison, he charmed the guards within seconds of talking with them, and in less than a minute, they were literally in love with him. Similarly, he could act so well a guard was guilt-tripped into giving him his phone.


Mark can keep talking even after a hole is blown through his chest. He can also survive cartoonishly extreme injuries such as being stretched, crushed, explodedtwice, frozen, electrocuted, and many more just fine.

4th-Wall Awareness

He’s broken the fourth-wall a couple of times before, including seeing the credits to the series.

Stealth Mastery

As a master thief, Mark can move undetected from one place to another, or quickly duck into cover before being caught. He also dug a hole to the Warden’s office without making a sound.


It’s implied that as a result of falling into the wormhole, Mark and the Captain gained some level of acausality. He could vaguely remember things that only happened in alternate timelines even before fully falling into the Wormhole; after falling into the Wormhole, he fully kept his memories of everything that happened before throughout all the resets, even recalling events from retconned timelines, with him being described as having disappeared from every universe; or in other words, turning him into a multiversal anomaly. This is further backed-up by the Captain being able to go against the events the Narrator reads, who can read the script of the story to see what happens next.


Reality-Warping/4th-Wall Manipulation & Perception Manipulation: Broke through Darkiplier's power, which can passively shift the player's perception to the point he can look identical to Mark, and control the world around them, even mess with the video itself to give the player extra choices.

Extreme Temperatures/Radiation: He can casually survive in space, the radiation zone of a nuclear explosion, a small star, the core of a star, and even a black hole.

Electricity: Shook off being struck by lightning, and having his head electrocuted by a device sucking the English language out of him.

Space-Time Manipulation: It appears the Warp Crystal cannot be teleported/warped out of the Captain’s hand, given it continued to stick to them despite the MANY deaths and universe/body-hops the Captain performed as they ventured through the space-time altering properties of the Wormhole. This is also backed by Dorene being able to teleport the Temporal Displacement Device out of the Captain’s hand, but seemingly not the Warp Crystal.

Plot Manipulation: The Warp Crystal allows the user to break out of the story's script, dictated by the Narrator; this is notable given the Narrator can read the script to know what the characters are thinking and future events in the story, such as what someone’s next actions will be, or just dictate what actions will occur, causing them to instantly happen; the Narrator is also stated to be a higher-dimensional being and views the story as fiction, yet the Warp Crystal negated their attempts to rewrite the script. This means that the Warp Crystal should protect the user from any of the Narrator’s abilities they perform via rewriting the script that may threaten the user’s life, these being:

Pain: He can suffer through extreme amounts of pain like… basically everything I mentioned before and quickly recover. He’s been shot repeatedly by laser turrets for an extended period of time and was fine, and later got shot through the leg and didn't react, even getting shot repeatedly through the chest. Most notably, he could repeatedly die over and over again a theoretical infinite number of times and just… keep trying to find the Warp Core unimpeded.

Limited Gravity Manipulation: Was able to resist the pull of a black hole for a time, though not for long.



Evelyn can channel versions of herself from Alternate Universes by utilizing the Verse-Jumping tech given to her by Alpha-Waymond. Verse-Jumping lets one access the skills, memories, and bodies of their parallel selves. To verse jump, one must do actions that are “statistically unlikely”, or out of pocket (such as eating lip-balm or shoving something up your ass), then you push your headset to channel your alternate self. Evelyn’s natural talent for verse-jumping was helped by the fact that her being good at nothing leaves her just a short jump away from every talented version of herself. Doing so too often will lead to your mind shattering and your consciousness being spread across every version of yourself.

Later on, Evelyn does not need this technology (or the “statistically unlikely” requirement) to verse-jump due to her mind shattering, giving her omnipresence across the multiverse.

“Shattered Clay-Pot Mind” Physiology

Having your mind shattered, as stated just before, gives you omnipresence, enabling you to process everything, everywhere, all at once. Evelyn’s mind shattering spread her consciousness through every Evelyn throughout the multiverse, turning her into every single one. She feels, thinks, and experiences everything they are or have experienced, with Evelyn comparing it to millions and millions of ever-expanding nerve endings, giving her theoretically infinite knowledge, given Jobu describes it as being “spread out across infinity.” Essentially, so long as one version of her knows something, she will too. This also means Evelyn can see the creation of new universes as it occurs, and due to her connection to all her other selves, she is aware of every single possibility at once. If she wants to, she can also do the opposite, shutting out the other universes from her mind to focus on just one, something Jobu herself could seemingly never do.

It also gives her the ability to “Verse-Jump” anything, instead of being limited to just herself. By touching something, Evelyn can turn objects into other objects, such as turning bullets into googly eyes, a gun into a phone mid-call, her own hair into spaghetti, a belt into a whip in an instant, with many more showings. She can even turn people into inanimate objects, such as potatoes. While you can argue this is just her making two versions of the person switch places, we know from Jobu's showings that when a person gets swapped, they're still the same person, they've just taken on the other’s attributes (see Jobu's Abilities).

Finally, much like Jobu, Evelyn became extraordinarily difficult to kill. Even if she were to die, her consciousness would still spread to her other alternate selves, allowing her to come back in their bodies… given they’re technically her bodies, and she can simply revive her original body, seemingly undoing the fatal damage it had taken.

Jobu’s Abilities (Debatable)

Jobu Tupaki GIF - Jobu Tupaki - Discover & Share GIFs

Near the end of the Movie, Evelyn's mind fracturing makes her the same type of entity as Jobu. This means that Evelyn should be capable of using all of the powers and abilities that Jobu has (see BTV). 

She’s an immensely powerful reality warper with numerous displays of reality manipulation via her Verse-Jumping. She can smoke a gun like vape, remove handcuffs magically, change her and a police officer’s clothes, create objects like a second dildo, make Evelyn punch herself, and flip the directions of her face on her body. She can Verse-Jump wounds themselves, turning a gunshot wound into ketchup or literally stabbing herself, only for her blood to turn into candy and the wound to disappear

Additionally, as a side-product of her forcefully Verse-Jumping others, she can transmute things and individuals. When she turns people or objects into those of other worlds, they don't just get swapped, they literally become them. This is consistent with how we see Verse-Jumping works, where a person simply takes on the attributes of their other self and thus change physically, rather than just switching places with them, and when Jobu does this to people, we see they clearly hold the same memories they usually do, meaning it functions in a similar way. With it, she’s turned men into confetti, transformed a baton into a dildo, and rapidly shifted various items on a desk.

Jobu is capable of swapping items between universes, turning a tree branch into a huge variety of items before she settled on a sword. She's even able to teleport other people. She also frequently creates portals to the Everything Bagel, usually to show it to others and corrupt them, but she does use it to transport the Bagel to her location at the end of the movie. Additionally, she’s shown the capability of swapping a person’s position in space

She’s also demonstrated cases of manipulating a person’s mind. Jobu can attempt to open your mind to the multiverse with a touch, though when she tried this on an Evelyn it overloaded her mind and killed her. Her arrival causes electronics in multiple universes to go haywire, and she was able to put actual concepts like her hopes and dreams, as well as every personal craigslist ad onto the Everything Bagel. Though the extent and specifics of how she actually did this is left extremely vague. 

TL;DR: After her mind shattered, Evelyn got:

  • Limited Omnipresence/Omniscience

  • Higher-Cosmic Awareness

  • Pseudo-Reality Warping (Transmutation)

  • Pseudo-Healing (Transmutation)

  • Immortality

  • Portal Creation (Debatable)

  • Mind Manipulation (Debatable)

  • Technology Manipulation (Debatable)

  • Conceptual/Memory Manipulation (Debatable)

Enhanced Senses

Despite having her eyes closed and holding her breath, Evelyn could still fight by acquiring skills from a universe where she was a blind opera singer.

Body Control

Evelyn is capable of changing her physicality in many ways, most notably when she gained immense strength in her pinky finger. There’s definitely different universes where she has different anatomy/bodily sizes and shapes, demonstrated by the sausage fingers universe, which we know she can utilize due to her unique physiology, and it allows her to fight using just her feet with incredible precision and dexterity.

Empathetic Manipulation

Thanks to her nigh-omniscience, Evelyn can learn all aspects of a person by just looking at them through her infinite selves’ experiences with them, which she used to instantly analyze and pacify her opponents by giving them what makes them happy. This is further backed-up by Jobu being able to do the same, knowing what makes people “tick.”

Body Puppetry

By copying the goat Raccaccoonie, Evelyn gains the ability to puppet another person's body physically through pulling their hair.

Perception Manipulation

By connecting herself with other versions of herself, she can drastically slow down her perception of time, which she usually uses to learn all information on someone before they can attack her, or react to incoming attacks.


Kung Fu Wtf GIF by A24 - Find & Share on GIPHY

She could stop bullets right when they came into contact with her, before shooting them all back at once. This appears to be done instinctively, given Evelyn wasn’t even aware of it and stopped the bullets with her eyes closed.

Probability Manipulation (Debatable)

While it’s unclear how it functions, Evelyn can seemingly exploit “statistical inevitabilities” to make highly unlikely events occur, such as when she made Jobu somehow slip on spaghetti, with even Jobu questioning how that worked. Verse-Jumpers in general can only jump by performing statistically unlikely actions, such as Alpha Waymond succeeding in cutting himself with paper, which is stated to be a 1 in 8 thousand chance, 4 times in quick-succession; and Jobu does discuss statistical inevitabilities quite a bit, so given Evelyn, as previously mentioned, should be capable of viewing all possibilities, it’d make sense she could, in a way, play into it and lead to improbable events occurring

She could also just be really lucky tho-


Mind Manipulation/Corruption: Evelyn's mind has been fractured by her infinite selfs, which would normally cause you to die, reducing your mind to that of a child; regularly, Verse-Jumping requires great mental energy, but despite this, Evelyn repeatedly made extreme verse-jumps that would fry the brains of any normal person. Even regular verse-jumpers can heal their fractured minds, though they can't heal from a fully shattered one. She's also immune to Jobu’s social-influencing and being corrupted by the Everything Bagel, which can absorb your beliefs, emotions, and memories, and spread your mind across all versions of yourself in the multiverse (which makes sense given it contains these things within itself).

Gravity/Spatial Manipulation: Fought against the pull of the Bagel for a considerable amount of time, even being able to fight right next to it with little issue.

Limited Existence Erasure/Conceptual Manipulation: Evelyn could survive partially dipping into the Bagel, but more notably, Jobu was fully enveloped by it and could reach out and escape; although it’s pretty likely it would’ve killed her had she not escaped it fast enough.

Limited Transmutation: Evelyn can still move despite being a rock; Jobu even comments that this is supposed to be impossible. She can also speak, move, and lift others up as just a spaghetti noodle, alongside various other showings of surviving as just an inanimate object.


Throughout their adventures, both gain the ability to transfer with their alternate selves and take on their traits. Such selves will be listed here.


Soldier Mark

Loving violence and gunpowder, this version of Mark is an expert gunman, capable of easily avoiding gunfire and lasers with his athletic tenacity and landing precise headshots.

Bomb-Defusal Mark

Despite his fairly unhinged nature, this Mark is a master of his craft. Implied to have years of training, he can easily identify the correct way to defuse a bomb after only seeing it not even a minute earlier.

Noir Mark

A suave Mark with a good sense of fashion and the self-proclaimed greatest investigative engineer in all of history, he tends to be much more cool and collected than regular Mark, being able to keep up a poker face in spite of any fear, danger, or pain he might face. Fitting his demeanor, he's notably quite snide and conniving, carrying many concealed weapons and usually attempting to eliminate foes through dirty tactics like sneak attacks. He (and everyone else from this universe) tends to spend time narrating his own inner monologues, but more notably, everyone in this universe can hear each other's inner monologues, clueing them in on their thoughts or potential dangers.

Criminal Mark

A scheming criminal mastermind and international criminal, this version of Mark is wanted in 87 different countries, and has evaded the law for many years. Not only is he conniving enough to get away with all sorts of heists while being actively tracked down by a large organization, like robbing three separate museums in a short timeframe, he eventually broke out of the most secure prison in the world by teleporting an entire prison block, and he was even capable of infiltrating and taking over said organization, despite it being specifically created to capture him.

MISC Marks


Chef Evelyn

Jumping to Chef Evelyn grants her dexterity with handling small handheld objects, like wooden spoons and grill tools. It (presumably) also grants her excellent cooking ability.

Kung-Fu Evelyn

Jumping to Kung-Fu Evelyn increases her physical strength and reaction time, as well as granting herself immense kung-fu skill.

Opera Singer Evelyn

Jumping to Opera Evelyn makes her blind, but it improves her hearing and agility. It also gives her a bigger lung capacity and a wonderful voice. Her singing skills are so grand they can even make the ground itself shake.

Sausage Fingers Evelyn

Sausage Fingers Evelyn is gay and gives her the ability to squirt ketchup and mustard out of her hands. Additionally, Sausage Fingers Evelyn is extremely skilled with her feet, able to stop attacks, disarm her attacker, and perform Jiu Jitsu to knock out several skilled fighters at once with only her feet.

Rock Evelyn

She’s just a rock with googly eyes that can also defy the laws of physics.

MISC Evelyns

Evelyn has an extraordinary amount of verses she can jump to and use. They are not limited to but include:

  • Pizza Store Advertizer Evelyn: She gains immense dexterity with board-like objects, being able to spin and maneuver them to block attacks and jab at her opponents.

  • Pinky-Fu Evelyn: This Evelyn is quite similar to Kung-Fu Evelyn, but she gains extreme strength in her pinky fingers instead.

  • Planet Evelyn: Evelyn’s a planet now.

  • Piñata Evelyn: Evelyn becomes a piñata.

  • Cat Humanoid Evelyn: Evelyn becomes a humanoid figure with a cat head.

  • Anime Evelyn: Self-explanatory.

  • Samurai Evelyn: Evelyn becomes a samurai.

  • And many more…


















  • The Bagel was gradually destroying the entire multiverse (Multiversal+, see Cosmology)





The Captain

While Mark is generally portrayed as the Captain's bumbling partner-in-crime, he is still shown to be comparable to them, usually getting caught up in the same, wacky situations, later outwitting and defeating the Captain a few times, and usually surviving stuff that would otherwise kill the Captain, so there's no real reason Mark shouldn't scale.


Jobu Tupaki

Jobu is the primary challenge Evelyn has faced, despite struggling against her in the beginning, Evelyn and Jobu are stated and shown to be equals by the movie's climax.



The Universe

The universe itself in In Space With Markiplier isn’t all that different from ours. It possesses a radius of 46.5 billion light-years (about the same as ours), contains 1.78 trillion galaxies, and is apparently shaped like a saddle torus (represented above).

Unlike our universe, it appears to be entirely composed of code, being described as digital and running in the same way a computer would. It loads at a rate of 4,800 Terahertz with 8 processors, and it even has a memory of 45,689,058K.

Alternate Timelines

Even an individual universe in the cosmology can contain multiple timelines within itself. Not only are we told about the existence of alternate timelines, but we directly see up to 31 timelines at once during A Heist With Markiplier. How many timelines can exist within a given universe seems to only be limited by the amount of choices one can make in it, given we’re shown in Heist that each choice creates a new timeline, backed-up by us being directly told this fact, and Mark himself confirming this to be the case. So, how many can there be? Well, as it turns out, there’s arguments for there being an infinite amount of timelines within just one universe.

For instance, the Warp Core detected “infinite paradoxes” caused by timelines meshing together within a single universe, and we know that one can make an infinite number of choices, implying the existence of infinite timelines within just a single universe (further supported by even the description to the final video discussing the idea of there being an infinite number of choices that can be taken); hell, Mark himself states this is the case within the commentary, explaining that just a universe contains an infinite number of possibilities, which would reach Multiversal+.

The Multiverse

To get this out of the way, yes, In Space With Markiplier clearly establishes the existence of infinite universes.

Given we just established universes contain an infinite number of timelines within them, there then being an infinite of said universes would make even the basic multiverse the characters traverse 5-Dimensional in scope. This scope also makes sense given how Mark explains one of the main themes of the story is the idea of infinite upon infinites; how not only is the universe infinite, but the multiverse is as well, backing up these arguments.

Narrator/Who Killed Markiplier Universe

The world where the Narrator and Who Killed Markiplier’s Actor Mark (as well as a bunch of characters, such as Wilford Warfstache and Darkiplier) originate from.

What makes this particular universe stand out is how it views the rest of the cosmology as merely a story, or fictional. Actor Mark literally views all events transpiring as a play, the Narrator can follow the Captain around as they traverse the multiverse through the Wormhole and rewrite reality in the same way someone would rewrite a script, but most importantly, it’s blatantly stated to be a higher-dimension. This actually makes it pretty easy to place in the cosmology, clearly being one dimension higher from everything else, and thus, 6-Dimensional.

The Outside of the Multiverse

Finally, wrapping up the entire cosmology is the void residing outside the multiverse, which… will take some time to explain.

At the very end of the entire series, Mark attempts to use the Warp Core powered by the Warp Crystal to hop back in time to an iteration of the multiverse before everything went to shit, believing the Captain had caused the multiversal collapse. The Captain can choose to hold on to Mark and prevent him from going back, instead opting to stop the Warp Core from ever going back in time to begin with and breaking the loop once and for all.

Now, what really matters is the second option, where the Captain lets go of Mark so he can go back to the past, destroying the entire multiverse and restarting the whole series, as the Captain is taken back to the very beginning of In Space With Markiplier, revealing that the entire series is actually one giant time loop, and an infinite one at that.

We can confirm the time loop nature of the series as a whole thanks to various pieces of evidence scattered across it. The Captain can remember previous loops, knowing they've done this all before, Dorene directly states the events of the series have been repeating over and over and over again, Lady describes the constant collapse of the multiverse as them being “stuck in the moment of [their] destruction” and comparing it to a hamster running on its wheel, Mark explains in the commentary how there Wormhole’s paradox has no set origin as it constantly goes back further and further (even elaborating further that the events of the series could be looping infinitely without the Captain truly knowing), and the universe is shown to have time loop’d infinite times. Essentially, this means that there exists an infinite number of copies of the entire cosmology that Mark has continuously looped through in his attempts to stop the Wormhole.

So, why does this matter? Well, simple. Given we know the Wormhole was tearing apart the entire multiverse, past and future (as there are so many instances where characters time travel through it), a simple time-hop would not be enough to escape its effects. Rather, the Warp Core must’ve hopped back to a new iteration of the entire multiverse altogether.

Here’s where we get to the dimension itself. This appears to be how the Warp Core/Crystal can travel to and access these previous iterations of the multiverse, given we see Lady, who had previously been teleported into it before the multiverse rebooted, having managed to survive and stick around next to a depowered Warp Core old Mark used. We also see this same Warp Core at the mid-point of Part 1, being confirmed by Mark to have survived the previous multiverse’s annihilation. This does show this dimension is bare minimum outside the rest of the cosmology, as otherwise, these two would have been affected by the multiverse’s rebooting and subsequent collapse (and while old Mark and the Captain were affected, this appears to be due to them being the nearest to the two Warp Crystal’s implosion, and the Captain literally having one of them on them). This point is further emphasized by us seeing the multiverse collapse, yet them outliving it due to being within that dimension.

Now, given Mark, as previously mentioned, could use it to escape to previous iterations of the multiverse, and we see that this dimension does contain within it the other iterations of the multiverse as we directly hear and see events that only transpired in other iterations of it, and the aforementioned fact that there does seem to be infinite iterations of the multiverse given Mark can loop infinitely through it, this points to the idea that this dimension contains an infinite number of versions of the cosmology, which given its previously discussed size, would get it all the way up to 7-Dimensional.

Overall, the In Space With Markiplier cosmology is shockingly complex, with a universe containing infinite timelines within it getting up to Multiversal+, the multiverse as a whole containing an infinite number getting it up to 5-Dimensional, Actor Mark’s home dimension viewing the world below it as fictional making it 6-Dimensional, and finally the Warp Core’s strange dimensional gateway containing an uncountable number of iterations of the cosmology within itself, capping it at 7-Dimensional.


The cosmology of Everything Everywhere all at once is surprisingly simple, mainly thanks to the movie's plot blatantly spelling it out. There’s obviously a multiverse, which according to Alpha Waymond contains an infinite amount of universes for every possibility; this is made clear numerous times, as Alpha Waymond directly explains how everything you can imagine exists in some universe out there, showcased by Evelyn literally discovering new universes just by thinking up a random string of words. So this would solidly put the cosmology at Multiversal+.



Mark, despite his impressive smarts, tends to be very reckless, not really thinking stuff through, or simply going for the most headstrong option. He tends to make careless decisions usually out of desperation, but usually just sheer naivety (like constantly wanting to split up despite the obvious danger), and he’s veryveryunlucky. He’s also pretty clumsy, and most notably, he leaves most decisions to the Captain, meaning he lacks agency for most of the series until the second part of In Space With Markiplier. While he does become way more competent after his long and continuous stay in the Wormhole’s loop, he does also lose a lot of his sanity, leading to him making decisions that endangered all of reality out of sheer desperation to escape. Also important to note that it is shown that the Wormhole can only bring back Mark or the Captain if they die, meaning they can still be incapacitated through non-lethal methods (although this wouldn’t stop the infinite other Marks hopping around the multiverse), and the Warp Crystal will similarly not protect the user from non-lethal attacks. Finally, if the Warp Crystal is sent to another time period that the Wormhole cannot reach at that moment BEFORE the Warp Core is sent back and initiates the loop that brings the Wormhole into existence, the Wormhole as a whole will cease to exist, and so will Mark’s immortality. While this method of stopping the Wormhole is hyper-specific and only happens at the very end of In Space With Markiplier, it is still something that can happen, and should be noted.


Even though Evelyn was able to figure out her capabilities relatively quickly all things considered, she just doesn’t have a lot of combat experience or experience with said powers. This can be circumvented by gaining the experience of her alternate universe selves but it’s still important to consider. She’s also a pacifist, and it’s unlikely she even uses her game-changing moves such as the Bagel in a no-morals situation. Additionally, while Evelyn does have the ability to tap into the infinite multiverse, there is one major drawback to this: Evelyn can only travel between verses by swapping to another version of herself, if she loses her life in a universe, while not a permanent death, she would lose all access to that universe as well as the skills of the Evelyn there (which is already a problem considering Jobu has killed a countless number of Evelyns.) An example of this is how Evelyn never could gain access to Alpha Evelyn's skills and verse due to Jobu killing her. This is reinforced as a weakness in the story when Gong Gong tried to kill Joy so that Jobu wouldn't have access to the universe they were in, Evelyn would be vulnerable to a similar possibility.

Before the Verdicts

Which Marks Are Mark?

A pretty common question floating around the Adventures With Markiplier story is whether all of the 3 mainline series (A Date With Markiplier, A Heist With Markiplier, and In Space With Markiplier) feature the same Mark, given the drastically different scenarios he and their partner find themselves it.

Short answer: Yes.

Now, if you want the long version, it’s not really all that hard to break down. Date and Heist are very easy to pin together thanks to the true ending of Heist revealing it’s a prequel to Date, having Mark and the Captain go on their date at the end. Connecting Space to the other two, on the other hand, is a little trickier, but still fairly straightforward. In part 2 of Space, Mark directly references his and the Captain’s first date, and while this may be an alternate universe version, we also have pretty direct confirmation from other guest appearances; namely, Warfstache, Professor Beauregard, and Yancy.

Warfstache directly “books” our Captain, not an alternate universe version, for an interview during In Space With Markiplier. Specifically, he sets the interview at the exact date A Heist With Markiplier released, and wouldn’t you know it, we get to experience this interview in one of the many routes found within Heist. Given Warfstache clearly recognizes us, it’s pretty clear that this is taking place within the same continuity to the same version of the Captain, and thus, Mark.

Similarly, when the Captain runs into Professor Beauregard in Space, she directly states that she recognizes us, realizing that we’re the anomaly from back in A Heist With Markiplier, before directly referencing Heist by stating “I thought we solved that problem.” This very blatantly shows this takes place within the same continuity, otherwise, she wouldn’t have recognized us.

For Yancy, during Space, you run into him while he’s in prison, with him not only recognizing the Captain, but directly referencing one of the endings of Heist where he helps you escape prison. This blatantly confirms this version of Yancy, and thus, this version of the Captain and Mark are the same from all the other adventures.

Finally, if none of that does it for you, Darkiplier literally picks up the Warp Crystal after it was sent back in time and it’s implied he used it to create the Box, which would make sense given Darkiplier was an overarching force throughout Heist, and all the events from In Space With Markiplier are stated to serve as an explanation for various events that occur in the past of the Markiplier franchise, due to the time-warping abilities of the Wormhole causing retroactive changes to history; therefore showing these versions of the characters are the same as their Heist and Date appearances.

Overall, there is simply way too much evidence pointing to the fact that the Mark we see in Space is the exact same as the one from his previous adventures to disregard them, so giving him access to the feats, arsenal, and abilities from these other adventures is fair game.

Which Marks Are Mark? Part 2: The Actor

Markiplier Name Lookalikes (Meme) | Name Soundalikes | Know Your Meme

Now that being said, fuck this guy.

To explain, “Actor Mark” is, within the overarching story of Markiplier’s channel, the “real” Mark. The one who runs the YouTube channel, makes the videos, and is responsible for many of the events that transpire in the story.

If you paid attention in the cosmology section, you’d know that he was mentioned earlier to reside within a universe that views the rest of the multiverse as fiction, and can alter it by simply rewriting the script of the story.

Given the entire section before outlining how “separate versions” of Mark are actually the same Mark, this would imply then that this Mark is the same as the others, and thus, Mark would scale to this level of the cosmology… except this assumption has a lot of issues.

To be frank, no, they are not at all the same person. This is even acknowledged by Mark himself in the commentary, with him directly explaining how the Mark we see in Space is explicitly not Actor Mark (sorry MatPat). While the events that take place in In Space are just a play to Actor Mark, to everyone else, including Mark, these events are real. They’re not just actors playing a part, these are real people who are genuinely living through the events unfolding in the story, not just a play that they’re acting through. In other words, Actor Mark is a completely disconnected character from the Mark we see in In Space due to the simple fact that Space Mark is a real person who views the events of the story as something real, that’s genuinely affecting him and the people around him, while Actor Mark is not actually living through these events; to him, they’re not real, and neither is Space Mark, so ultimately, they’re both truly just separate people, and trying to act like they’re the same person would contradict the narrative and main themes of the story.

Star Level Mark?

A pretty well-known feat in the series is Mark surviving going into and surviving the reactor room as it was melting down, with the reactor being stated to possess the power of a star. 

To be frank, the issue with the feat comes with the context itself. Mark directly attributes his survival to the fact he’d been frozen solid by the Cryogenics department moments earlier, with the gag being that the Captain’s selfish decisions had unintentionally saved the day. Given Mark clearly implies he would not have survived otherwise, it’d be disingenuous to say he should fully scale to the energy of a star, and while you could bring up him falling into the center of a star… he still died from that; yes, the way he phrased it does imply he survived for at least a bit, but the lack of an actual clear timeframe and the fact that he directly described how his flesh was melting from his bones… yeah, it feels weird to argue he’d somehow be on this level.

Now, it is worth noting that there is an argument to be made that maybe he could scale to it, given one of the crew members, Burt, was able to fix and walk out of the reactor room while it was melting down, completely unharmed. The issue with this however is that… we have 0 context on how he did it. And that’s the joke.

We never see how he enters the room, and how he fixes the reactor without dying, and to be frank, even if we did argue Burt scaled to the core, there’s also genuinely 0 ways to argue for Mark to scale to Burt, given he’s already a pretty enigmatic figure even among the other crew members, and Mark doesn’t have any showings of physically contending with Burt, or of Burt physically contesting with anything really.

However, that’s not to say it’s fully unusable. Later on, when he was much farther from the reactor room, he did survive the main reactor exploding, so accounting for surface area, it should be fair to scale him to a fraction of the energy, getting a yield of 177.7 Gigatons of TNT.


While Mark has his fair share of multiversal-destroying weaponry, there are a few (really only one) arguments to scale him physically to these. So, let's cover them quickly.

There are two separate instances of both Mark and Lady surviving shots from Dr Beauregard’s gun, which at the end of Heist, destroyed the Box that was mixing multiple timelines together; 31 to be exact.

This does appear to present a pretty direct line of scaling… if it wasn’t TRASH!

To be entirely honest, there’s nothing to support the idea that the Box would scale to its own power output. Its melding of dimensions is something it causes passively, so arguing it’s as durable as its own effect is weird. Some instances of characters surviving the blast also have issues, such as Lady explicitly only surviving the blast due to her race being basically immortal, not because of her own durability. Also important to note is that Dr Beauregard’s gun appears to be more hax-based, given she theorizes that, if it’s successful, the Captain will just be reset back to their original timeline rather than fully destroyed, which implies its ability to destroy anomalies isn’t purely done through sheer power. And finally, even if this was valid, yeah, it’d frankly be a massive outlier compared to all of Mark’s other showings of durability.

Immeasurable Warp Crystal?

The Warp Crystal is likely the strongest artifact in Mark’s possession… But is it the fastest?

The most direct speed feat showed off by it is when it generated an explosion that covered the entire universe and caused it to collapse. While this is impressive on its own, it gets even more impressive given the context. This collapse wasn’t just affecting the physical universe itself, but instead, it was affecting the timeline as a whole. This is fairly easy to prove too, given we see multiple flashes of events from across the entire timeline that took place before and after the Warp Core’s explosion, implying the explosion was traveling through it. Given the nature of the Wormhole and Warp Core was affecting time as a whole, it would be weird if the final explosion only affected a single point in time, especially given we directly see multiple different points in time occurring at once right before the explosion, further supporting the fact that the Warp Core’s explosion traversed the entire timeline.

Now, given this is stated to be an explosion, and it is shown to travel, the fact it traversed the timeline, both past and future, pretty solidly supports it being Immeasurable. Even if the aforementioned isn’t enough for you, Mark very much implies this explosion also affected the entire multiverse, which is infinite in size, meaning bare minimum it would still reach Infinite speeds. This would only really scale to the Warp Crystal and its activation, but it’s still good to have.

The Warp Crystal's Consistency

While the previous section discussed the speed of the Warp Crystal's activation, this section is dedicated to the issues with the Warp Crystal's consistency in terms of its activation, so buckle up.

What is consistent?

The Warp Crystal consistently activates to prevent paradoxes, even if they haven't occurred yet. It directly attempted to teleport the Captain away from Lady when it sensed she could potentially lead to a paradox, and in every instance where it meets another instance of itself for any considerable amount of time, it will activate and attempt to warp itself or the other Warp Crystal away.

What is inconsistent?

The Warp Crystal does have many instances of teleporting its user away from incoming danger, however, this activation is in itself fairly inconsistent, as there's almost as many instances where it simply doesn't teleport them away and lets them die. There is genuinely no real correlation we can draw that would allow us to discern the conditions that lead to the Warp Crystal activating. The best we can estimate is that it may be genuinely random, given the Narrator describes it as a “convenient escape,” which does imply a level of randomness to it, and would explain why it can just work and not work at times.

Overall, the Warp Crystal is very weird with how consistent it decides to be, frequently switching from teleporting the user away from danger to doing fuck-all, so what you buy for it really just comes down to you.

Burt’s Singularity

In one of the many paths of Part 1 to In Space With Markiplier, Burt managed to fuse himself with the ship’s computer, and in an attempt to end their continued suffering, configured the Main Reactor into a singularity that, per his own words, could destroy the Wormhole.

Since we’ve already established how the Wormhole spreads across the entire multiverse, which is 6-Dimensional in size, that could mean that Burt was creating a singularity capable of matching 6D levels of power. Of course, there’s the obvious issue that… we never see this happen lol

If the singularity was truly capable of destroying the Wormhole, then the events of the story would have ended then and there, given we know it’s the same Wormhole that’s drilling through all the universes in the multiverse, and since Burt literally goes to activate the singularity, yet the Wormhole obviously still exists right after, it’s very likely that the singularity isn’t actually strong enough to threaten the Wormhole.

This would make sense too, given the only thing backing it is Burt’s own words while he was losing his mind, and literally nothing else.

Unus Annus Scaling?

My future children will never know the joy of watching an Unus Annus  video... - Meme by Red_Lettuce :) Memedroid

Yes, this is admittedly a curveball, however, there are some arguments for Mark and the Captain scaling to the Unus Annus cast. Like other Mark properties, Unus Annus is a part of the greater multiverse found in In Space With Markiplier, shown through the appearance of the HeeHoo in In Space With Markiplier, a mad and primitive version of Mark originating from Unus Annus. Given the Captain could outrun him for a time, that would imply some level of scaling, right?

Well, kinda?

The Captain did not run for very long before getting caught, and the HeeHoo seemingly wasn’t even chasing the Captain till they fell like an idiot and stopped running, so there’s not much to support scaling speed-wise. This is even backed up by the video’s description referring to the HeeHoo as being much faster than the Captain.

Now, that being said, the Captain was able to land a sucker-punch on the HeeHoo, legitimately staggering him for a couple good seconds, which does imply some level of downscaling. However, not only was this obviously a surprise attack the HeeHoo wasn’t prepared to defend against, but given how the Narrator clearly implies the Captain would die if the Warp Crystal didn’t teleport them out of there, it’s a little hard to fully justify scaling.

Ultimately, you can at best argue that the Captain downscales the HeeHoo physically, but it is fairly dubious, and to be frank, the inclusion of Unus Annus stats likely would not affect the outcome much anyways, also its not only just hard to find but it ruins the whole point of Unus Annus.

Overall, there’s no clear scaling chain that’d allow Mark or the Captain to get any scaling from Unus Annus, even if they take place within the same cosmology.

Can Evelyn actually use Jobu’s powers?

This might seem like an obvious question at first, since Evelyn and Jobu are stated to be the exact same type of being by the climax, as well as Evelyn using plenty of abilities in the final showdown, so it stands that they'd share all of their abilities. However, the issue here comes from a matter of practice, since Evelyn doesn't have much experience with using her powers like Jobu. We know Jobu has killed thousands of Evelyns on their journey, meaning she’s had a lot of time to fine tune and refine their control on their powers. While Evelyn does gain semi-omniscience and knowledge of the entire multiverse near the end of the movie, we don't know if this gave her knowledge on her powers at all. Her reality warping powers are unique to her in this state, meaning there’s not another universe’s Evelyn she can simply take the knowledge of to use them. This makes it a little dubious on if Evelyn can use some of Jobu’s abilities exactly like she can, since it's more of a theory, and Evelyn has never used them quite as effectively as Jobu has. 

There’s also another point against it involving Evelyn's characterization. To put it bluntly, most of Jobu’s more violent abilities are something that Evelyn would just absolutely never do. While a Death Battle does remove personal morals against killing, exploding people into confetti or shattering their minds is just not a strategy Evelyn would reasonably go for in a fight at first. We will still include these powers in the debate, but it should be treated as more of a last resort option for Evelyn to use. 

This idea of Evelyn's character especially matters when it comes to the Everything Bagel, though there is a bit more nuance here. It is true that Evelyn using the bagel is definitely out of character normally, since the entire plot of the movie is Evelyn trying to stop the bagel and save the multiverse. Though there is a potential loophole to consider, since Evelyn can teleport and delete the bagel at will, you could argue she could simply summon it with the intention of removing it once the fight is over. A justification for this is that Evelyn is morally more against the destruction of the multiverse and using the bagel to end her own life, rather than the more specific idea of using it as a weapon.

Planet Level Evelyn? (Literally)

During the final fight with Evelyn, there’s a scene where Jobu and Evelyn are constantly swapping universes while fighting. One of these universes is seemingly a verse where they both are planets crashing into each other. So the question is, is this actually applicable? Well, yeah, there’s really no reason it wouldn’t be. In her final state, Evelyn should be able to access this form quite easily like any other Evelyn, meaning she could just turn into planet Evelyn whenever she wanted to. Given the insane nature of this movie, there’s really no way to go against this feat without being disingenuous, it makes as much sense to the plot as everything else does.


We mentioned the cosmology of EEAAO before, but does anyone actually scale it directly? Well not really. The main argument for characters scaling to it physically is the fact Jobu created the Everything Bagel, which as you know by now was capable of destroying the multiverse. However, using this as a physical feat at all is weird. We have no idea how Jobu even made the Bagel really besides the vague idea that it eventually just collapsed in on itself, given her crazy reality-warping it's more likely than not something she doesn’t do physically, and just a chain-reaction. There’s also the fact that Jobu and Evelyn could physically resist the Bagel's gravitational pull. However, the issue with this argument is that it's made pretty clear throughout the story that the bagel is gradually growing in power until it consumes the multiverse. This means the Bagel being multiversal in power is really something that it would only be at its peak, and since Jobu and Evelyn only interacted with a much weaker Bagel, they simply can’t compare to the Bagel’s full scale.

Infinite Evelyn?

Alright alright, we’re fully aware perception feats are rather infamous in this community, but Evelyn does have a good case for possessing infinite reaction speeds.

She would very obviously need to be actually reacting to the events all her infinite selves are experiencing just to live her day to day life, as we see that when Evelyn is linked with one of her alternate selves, she’s controlling both of them at once, and by her peak, she literally becomes all of her alternate selves, experiencing their lives all at the same time. Back when she first unlocked her powers, she immediately began performing multiple terrible actions simultaneously, so by all accounts, she’s obviously living through and controlling every single version of herself across the infinite multiverse, meaning that to even be able to function in any capacity during the climax of the film, she’d have to be reacting to every single thing all of her alternate selves are simultaneously. We actually see this absurd reaction speed come into play in the climax, where every time she sees someone attack her, she recalls an infinite number of memories and locates those of a version of herself with knowledge on them to counter them before they even manage to reach her, something she wouldn’t be able to do unless she had infinite reaction speeds (as it would obviously be impossible to actively search through and comprehend an infinite amount of information to weaponize otherwise).

With all the evidence towards it, it’s clear that this isn’t an info-dump situation, where the character is having this information forcefully inserted into their head without them actually reacting to anything, and Evelyn is legitimately reacting to everything in real-time, giving her an absurd degree of reaction speed.

Conceptual Manipulation?

Another strange aspect of Jobu and the Bagel is the matter of conceptual manipulation. Jobu apparently put abstract ideas like her hopes and dreams, as well as other concepts onto the Bagel. Now the issue with using this is the sheer vagueness of it, since we never see her do this. It is hard to even describe what this ability even is, even more so how it would be used in combat. Stuff that Jobu put onto the bagel, such as every breed of dog and taxes, are seemingly fine regardless of her actions, so it might just not do anything here. The most generous assumption we can make is that Jobu and Evelyn simply have the ability to interact with abstract concepts, and nothing more. Now for the Bagel itself, its conceptual manipulation seems a lot more valid and usable, Jobu believed it to be the only thing capable of permanently killing her, and it can literally hold these concepts within itself, absorbing them like everything else, meaning it likely has the ability to erase or absorb concepts.

Would the Bagel Actually Kill Evelyn?

Dear god this bagel has a lot to talk about. Perhaps one of the most infamous and strange feats in EEAAO is what happens with the bagel in the climax. To sum it up, both Evelyn and Jobu end up making contact with the bagel in the climax. Near the end, Jobu is almost completely consumed by the bagel, only for her to reach forward at the last moment and let Evelyn pull her out. This does bring up the question of if the Bagel was even dangerous at all, or if Jobu and Evelyn could survive it. We do believe that the Bagel is genuinely capable of killing Jobu and Evelyn. This is mainly because of the narrative clearly portraying the Bagel as a threat. The entire climax of the movie has Jobu trying to avoid and get out of the Bagel, if the Bagel couldn't actually kill them, then this major obstacle and challenge in their journeys just wouldn't exist. This is further backed-up by the director’s commentary describing the Bagel as a device for self-destruction rather than a doomsday device, which hammers in the theme and central idea of Jobu’s character arc, to learn to appreciate those small, fleeting moments where everything in life makes sense instead of giving up and ending it all.

Bonus Art

(By Orange Fedora)

(By Stak)



These two, despite their fairly grounded nature, have surprisingly in-depth stat arguments that make this discussion more interesting than you’d think at first.


Mark can casually throw around fully-grown adults, and he can scale to the Captain, who can pulverize rock at 0.04 Tons of TNT. The turrets on-board the Invincible II ship can destroy asteroids, equaling up to 1.001 Kilotons of TNT, and Mark can survive shots from them. At his best, he can even withstand a small fraction of the Main Reactor melting down and exploding, whose energy is that of a star, placing him at a solid 177.7 Gigatons of TNT. He could also withstand the pull of a black hole, making his lifting strength 5,911,905,325,988,726 Kilograms.

Looking at Evelyn, she doesn’t seem to stack up at first. She can send people flying with her strikes, and shattered a riot shield, capping at 77.33 KiloJoules of energy. Her opera self can even sing loud enough to shake the ground around her, placing her at a decently solid 0.015 Tons of TNT. She also resisted the pull of the Everything Bagel at an extremely close-range, giving her a lifting strength of 13,438,798,007,107,481,600 Kilograms. While her lifting strength certainly far exceeds Mark’s, by over 100x in fact, her actual AP is orders of magnitude lower. This would appear to give Mark a very obvious edge, but of course, there is still one thing worth noting.

Planet Evelyn moving reaches a kinetic energy of 28.6 Yottatons of TNT. While she can only reach this absurd level of power in one specific form, she has access to it at any time. Of course, it’s not something she tends to just pop whenever, so it’s unlikely she’d resort to it right away, she still very much has the capability of pulling it out at will, which would grant her an absurd edge in power.

Coming to their speeds, both have surprisingly good showings of their sheer velocity.

Mark can dig a massive hole with only a small spoon in a fraction of a second, yielding 1.05% the speed of light, he’s comparable to the Captain who scoured every single nook and cranny of an entire planet, placing them at 18.49% the speed of light, and they’ve both dodged numerous lasers, with one moment in particular getting up to 36% the speed of light.

Evelyn, however, had him outmatched. She could run fast enough to catch up to a speeding truck, telekinetically stop bullets right when they came into contact with her skin, requiring speeds anywhere from Mach 130.68 - 428.74, she could escape the Everything Bagel’s gravitational pull, whose escape velocity would require speed of 99% the speed of light, and when accounting for her reaction time, she can perceive an infinite number of perspectives and react to all of them at once, maxing out at Infinite speeds. Of course, keep in mind that that would only apply to her reactions, not her physical movement, but escaping the Bagel would still put Evelyn at about 3x faster physically. However, even this has more to it than you’d think, as Evelyn escaping the Bagel would only apply to her combat speed, not her travel speed. This is important as the Captain literally power-walking across the entire surface area of a planet far eclipses any travel feats she has ever demonstrated. Even when transforming into a planet, the fastest she can travel, she caps at Mach 2,821.11, which is still thousands of times slower than Mark.

Comparing them physically, it’s clear that Mark would hold a major strength advantage for most of the fight, though eventually Evelyn would resort to her planet form, which would push him at a significant disadvantage. On the other hand, Mark was at a large disadvantage speed-wise, with Evelyn being 3x faster physically, and having infinitely faster reactions, but having no way to compare to Mark’s travel speed even at her best.


Most of Mark’s equipment held a big power advantage over base Evelyn. The Event Horizon Protocol can release an explosion of about 852.68 Tons of TNT, and the Main Reactor’s explosion releases an energy of about 90.82 Petatons of TNT. Of course, once Planet Evelyn came into the picture, this obviously changed, but even then, the strongest of Mark’s gear was more than powerful enough to contend; the Warp Crystal could bust holes in reality, releasing Universal+ levels of energy, and two Warp Crystals attempting to remove the other from the multiverse could cause an explosion that rebooted the whole multiverse, affecting a structure 6-Dimensional in scope.

Evelyn’s biggest powerhouse is the Everything Bagel, which, despite her own hesitation to use it, could still affect an infinite multiverse, or Multiversal+, but Mark’s own powerhouse, the Wormhole, could extend to and destroy the whole multiverse, whose sheer size would make it a 6-Dimensional structure, vastly more powerful than Evelyn’s theoretical peak.

It’s also worth noting that the Warp Crystal’s speed could traverse entire timelines, reaching even into the past, which would make its activation and subsequent warping of Mark Immeasurable, much faster than Evelyn’s reactions, meaning it would be impossible for Evelyn to intercept Mark when he’s in the middle of warping.

In general, while Evelyn is certainly no slouch with her strongest available equipment, she just can’t stack up to the peak of Mark’s weapons, which are literally infinitely more powerful, and her reactions are too slow to intercept Mark while warping.

Arsenal & Abilities

Fitting for such mind-numbing media, these two have a LOT to cover in the way of their powers and arsenals, so we’ll be breaking it down into individual sections.


Mark is likely outclassed here in terms of long-range options. While he does have his fair share of melee options, none of them are all that notable besides his Fake Hand, which could admittedly kill Evelyn if she didn’t avoid it. However, her absurd reaction-speed edge and own abilities would make this highly-unlikely.

She can swap whatever she’s holding into just about any weapon in the multiverse, and not only have we seen much greater more utility in terms of what she has access to on-screen, with stuff like the Riot Shield being good defense, and her axe and swords being much more efficient for combat than Mark’s knives, blades or axe, but due to the nature of the cosmology, there being a universe for anything she can imagine, she pretty much has access to anything she can think of within reason, granting her a massive edge in versatility. This would also negate most of Mark’s melee options, as she could simply turn them into harmless weapons; this especially applies to Mark’s Fake Hand, which relies on his opponent holding it as it explodes… something she could counter hilariously easily.

In terms of their innate combat-oriented abilities, while Mark isn’t a slouch at fighting, Evelyn has shown much more flexibility with how she can fight; she can use her feet, fight without her sight, or even with just her pinky finger. Mark has never really had to deal with so many forms of upclose fighting, and he’d very likely get overwhelmed. While he does have very notable stealth that might let him get the jump on Evelyn, her enhanced senses would let her detect him regardless of how he hides, and while Mark has very impressive senses of his own, he’s never used them in a combat scenario before, and Evelyn slowing down her perception of time, alongside her roughly 3x combat speed advantage, means that Mark is gonna have a really hard time landing any good hits on Evelyn. And most damningly, she could just use her body puppeteering on Mark, which would leave him helpless for as long as Evelyn grabs onto his hair (although admittedly, there’s a solid chance Mark can just power through it via sheer brute force due to the AP-difference, but Evelyn’s superior lifting strength could likely counteract this).

Now, in fairness, the aforementioned AP-gap is gonna make it hard for Evelyn to harm Mark either, but being so close does let Evelyn land some of her deadlier options, such as transmuting Mark into potatoes or shattering his mind across the multiverse (while Mark can withstand incredible pain, theoretically an infinite amount, he’s never dealt with experiencing… everything all at once, so it would likely operate on a scale higher than anything he’s resisted); while it’s true Evelyn wouldn’t go for these right away, given her more pacifist nature, it does mean that she always has a solid way to quickly put down Mark in case she’s in serious danger when up close, while Mark lacks any similar option, giving Evelyn a clear advantage here.


Fighting up close isn’t everything, and Mark has quite a killer arsenal for a long distance fight with his various guns, bombs, and even a rocket launcher.

Evelyn does seem to have a solid counter on paper, given her telekinesis can easily stop projectiles, and it’s not even something she has to consciously do, but given the AP-gap here, there’s a good chance her telekinesis would be quickly overwhelmed and powered through. Admittedly, her absurd reaction speed does mean she could still transmute most of Mark’s projectiles right as they contact her, which would be good for defending against his ordinary guns, but against his explosives? Not so much. Evelyn has never shown any particular defense against explosive ordinance, so Mark simply blowing her up with a C4 or bomb would be a good way to finish her off, while Evelyn doesn’t have any notable weapons for fighting at a distance.

While Evelyn does admittedly hold a combat speed edge, remember, this only applies to Evelyn’s combat speed. Her actual travel speed isn’t very noteworthy, while the Captain’s feat of covering every nook and cranny of a planet is a travel speed feat, which would actually make Mark MUCH faster in that regard, and for a distance fight, that detail is extremely crucial. It would allow Mark to easily keep his distance, and with the AOE of his explosive weapons, he has a solid shot of landing the one good hit he needs to destroy Evelyn, and that’s before mentioning Mark’s video game controller, which can just cause people to spontaneously explode without the need for physical contact, giving him a solid option to take out Evelyn at just about any time.

Evelyn also lacks a good way to actually get to Mark, given stuff like his teleportation tech and disguises would make it difficult for her to close the gap between the two, especially given his teleportation tech can be used to travel anywhere across the world, which is a level of general mobility Evelyn has never had to contend with before.

It’s also important to briefly factor in the Warp Crystal (we’ll touch on it more later). While it is certainly inconsistent, it very frequently takes the user to the Invincible II ship, given it’s where the center of the Wormhole is located. The Warp Crystal taking the fight to the Invincible II would spell bad news for Evelyn, as it would give Mark a massive edge in terms of battlefield control, and she surprisingly lacks good options for actually teleporting out of there, meaning she’d be pretty vulnerable to the many systems on the ship. The Computer, when not being actively messed with, will work to defend the crew; it can invert gravity, activate defense turrets, or suck the air out of a room, stuff she can’t fully counter and that would be screwing up her chances of getting to Mark. While she can mess with electronics, which could mess with the Invincible II temporarily, the ship can quickly reboot itself with the Oopsie-Boopsie Protocol to fix any interference she may cause, and her technology manipulation really isn’t as useful as you’d expect, at best causing certain systems to begin flickering, but never outright shutting them down. It’s also worth mentioning that Mark could pull off certain stunts like turning the ship into a giant Cryopod, which would incapacitate Evelyn (and Mark himself would be safe thanks to the on-board coats to protect from it). He also has options for causing the reactor to meltdown and blow up the ship with Evelyn on it, but in fairness, that stuff would be insanely out of character for him, given he actively wants to protect the crew on-board the ship.

Overall, Mark has way more options for keeping his distance, and multiple methods to fatally injure Evelyn with his explosives, video game controller, or the fight being taken to the Invincible II, where he’d hold incredible control over the fight.


Befitting these two multiversal travelers, both can pretty easily traverse their respective multiverses, but which is better?

Evelyn does hold the obvious advantage that she can actually consciously decide where she wants to go, while Mark’s similar options like the Portable Temporal Displacement Device or Warp Crystal are more random, usually taking him where he wants to go eventually, but requiring some trial and error. However, the Warp Crystal does hold an advantage in terms of range; it can teleport Mark anywhere across the multiverse, including through time and even higher-dimensions, all the way up to places outside the scale of the multiverse itself. Evelyn can’t really compete with this kind of mobility, but again, the more immediate benefits of her own dimension-hopping are still quite noteworthy. This is before even mentioning stuff like the Warp Core, which can not only do the same, but can actually be controlled by Mark to lead to a specific location or point in time he wants; albeit, this only works if Mark can locate the Warp Core, which would be extraordinarily difficult given its nature (elaborated on later).

Overall, this category will be considered a draw, though the implications it presents will be discussed shortly.


Both of them are nearly as unkillable as one can be, fitting given the main theme of their movies does revolve around the idea of infinity. Here, we’ll be tackling the specifics of their unkillability, which will help in later sections.

Both are fairly difficult to kill as is; Mark can live through absurd injuries like being shot through the chest, stretched to infinity by a black hole, being crushed and his bones breaking, etc, while Evelyn can simply undo any damage she suffers from, turning it into something else and negating any effect it may have had on her. However, if either were to somehow die, both can come back after death from the bodies of alternate universe versions of themselves, usually inheriting their memories and traits.

Evelyn’s self-healing is more useful in theory over the span of a prolonged fight, allowing her to stay in top form, but given many weapons in Mark’s arsenal can one-shot her, while Mark can withstand and shake off the majority of attacks Evelyn throws at him, this does mean Evelyn would have a harder time trying to put him down in the short-term. But either killing the other once or twice doesn’t fully matter in the long run. So long as there are versions of them alive out there somewhere, they can simply come back, good as new, right?

Well, while this is true, there’s also a very important aspect to consider. Evelyn cannot jump to a universe if there is no Evelyn in there to jump to. This is crucial, since it means that if Mark kills her in one universe, she loses the ability to access that universe altogether, while on the other hand, if Mark is killed in a universe, either him or another version of himself can just hop back into that same universe and continue the fight. Yes, Evelyn could continue fighting Mark wherever he does end up by using the Evelyn from that world, but what’s important is that if any version of her does end up dying to the Mark they were fighting, she will have an extremely hard time trying to continue the fight until Mark is teleported to another universe, giving him a lot of time to come up with a plan. Evelyn could revive herself, so it’s not like she’s completely out of options, but her resurrection has never been shown bringing her back from severe levels of destruction, such as being blown into pieces, something much of Mark’s kit could do.

In general, while both of their methods of immortality are absurd, Mark’s grants him a lot more flexibility in how he can control the flow of the fight, while Evelyn will have a harder time trying to continue the fight.

Trump Cards

These two possess absurd abilities that could very well decide the fight against most opponents, so let’s compare them and see how they stack up.

Evelyn shares her consciousness across an infinite multiverse’s worth of versions of herself, letting her see every possibility that could have happened in any given moment. This, alongside her infinite knowledge she could gather on Mark just from looking at him via her infinite selves would give her a massive advantage, clueing her in on all of Mark’s tricks and weaknesses… However, that relies on the assumption that this would work, and here’s where the problems start. His physiology granted to him by the Wormhole (more on that later) makes it so that the current version of himself he is inhabiting would be the only version of himself at any given time (this does not extent to past and future versions of Mark, given Old Mark and Young Mark can exist simultaneously, it only means that in terms of alternate universes, there will only be one Mark existing at any given time); this completely shuts down Evelyn’s infinite knowledge on Mark, as his anomalous existence means her infinite alternate selves cannot get any information on him, as there’s only one version of him she can learn anything from, the one who currently exists in front of her. Additionally, the Warp Crystal could negate the Narrator’s nigh-omniscience. Despite the fact that the Narrator could read ahead on the script to literally see any possible options that one could make in a given scenario, he was unable to predict what the Captain would do due to their possession of the Warp Crystal, and so, Evelyn trying to get a read on him, even with stuff like the book containing the film (as dubious as it is), would simple fail.

Now, what if Evelyn attempts to steal the Warp Crystal?

Well, oh boy, the Warp Crystal has a lot of fail-safes in case of that. Evelyn trying to take it from Mark at all would be difficult given the absurd AP-difference, making it kinda dubious if she could even rip it off of his body. Mark’s aforementioned ways of keeping his distance would also give her a hard time just trying to get near him, and his unique items like the Box grant him access to things such a Time Machine that can reverse or stop time, something Evelyn cannot resist, and which would leave her wide open for most of Mark’s offensive options. Even if she did get close, the Warp Crystal is shown to be able to detect when someone will try to take it from the user, and attempt to stop them given that would cause a paradox. It can similarly reverse time, or just rip a hole in space-time to hop to an entirely new universe, in a completely new location. And while Evelyn can follow Mark via her multiverse variants, again, if she ever dies in any universe, she will lose access to it, making it harder and harder for her to follow him. But let’s say she does ultimately get it, well, then she just made an absurd mistake. The Warp Crystal can detect other people with a Warp Crystal, and to avoid a paradox, send them outside the multiverse. Evelyn has never gotten back from this level of dimensional travel before, so basically any versions of her that get sent there are stranded for good. And there would still be an infinite number of past and future versions of Mark with the Warp Crystal anyways, so it really doesn’t affect him in the long-run.

Now, it’s important to mention that while both can access the abilities of their alternate selves, Mark can usually only do this one at a time, while Evelyn has access to all of her alternate selves’ powers at any time, and has better inherent abilities from them. While Crying Mark does show off impressive supernatural abilities, none of it is particularly useful in a battle-scenario, while Evelyn can just turn into a fucking planet any time she wishes, which could absolutely demolish Mark and anything nearby like the Invincible II. In fairness, while  the Invincible II could resist the pull of the Wormhole, it’s hard to gauge how impressive this really is, so Planet Evelyn is a legitimately good way to invalidate many of Mark’s other options.

Both have many counters or powerful options to gain the upperhand on the other, but ultimately, neither holds too much of an advantage here that it could alter the flow of the fight in any significant way.

Notable Counters

Evelyn seems to possess some level of probability manipulation, but while it is debatable, the Box shows off a similar passive ability, causing scientifically impossible events to occur in a way that brings misfortune to everything around it, and sometimes actually helps the one who owns it, so it more or less cancels out given the vagueness of both.

Mark’s methods of fusing universes wouldn’t help much, given Evelyn is already one with all versions of herself, making it irrelevant.

There is a legitimate argument to be made for Mark simply powering through Evelyn’s reality-warping, similar to how he did against Darkiplier, although it is important to note that both forms of reality-warping appear to operate on different mechanisms, with Evelyn’s being more so focused on transmuting things nearby, so it’s a little hard to gauge if it would work.

But of course, while all of this is useful and does help, none of this actually helps in putting the other down for good; for this, despite their absurd abilities and arsenals, they both only have one potential option for taking the win.

The Everything Bagel vs The Wormhole

Their primary win-conditions in this fight, both of these natural disasters have shown off absurd abilities, so this section will cover how each can fair up against their foe’s primary option for ending this bout.

The Bagel has shown very esoteric skills, like passively warping events across the entire multiverse, a scale much higher than anything the Box can output. Similarly, its passive corruption from just looking at it is something Mark has never really had to combat against, and it’s unlikely he could resist the Bagel’s effects for long, leaving him fairly vulnerable. And here’s where its most dangerous attribute comes into play: its existence erasure. The Warp Crystal can likely protect Mark from a pretty strong level of existence erasure, but the Bagel being able to absorb concepts within itself does imply a level of conceptual erasure that Mark has never been shown to resist, meaning that being sucked into the Bagel is a very legitimate concern that could permanently kill him. However, while its most defining aspect is its destructive power, capable of obliterating a multiverse containing infinite universes, Mark’s mobility options like the Warp Crystal or Warp Core would let him easily avoid this level of destruction.

On the other hand, the Wormhole can affect space-time and distort reality to a degree Evelyn cannot compete with. While it could theoretically transmute Evelyn, she could likely just resist it given she’s survived as inanimate objects before, and she could just swap with another version of herself to regain her body. A similar case would apply to its ability to seemingly erase people from existence when they begin breaking down mentally, which Evelyn could resist given her absurdly strong mental endurance, literally experiencing everything her infinite selves are feeling at all times; while she can resist arguably resist existence erasure for a time, she’s never dealt with erasure on the potency of the Wormhole affecting a 6D cosmology, so she’d likely be overwhelmed by it on the very rare chance she was affected by it. One thing she can’t avoid though is its sheer AOE and AP. The Wormhole spreads across the aforementioned cosmology, and can destroy it outright given enough time, meaning Evelyn, no matter which universe she goes to, cannot escape it, and would be wiped out when it inevitably collapses the multiverse.

When stacking them up against each other, the Wormhole is absolutely more powerful, easily eclipsing the Bagel at its peak, and it could very well destroy it if they were to meet. On the other hand, however, while both need time to reach their maximum power, the Bagel’s passive mental afflictions would make it more immediately dangerous, and all it would need to do would be to swallow Mark, and he’d likely die there and then, clearly making it the superior win-option here… except for one detail. The Bagel’s creation is extremely vague. All we do know is that Jobu just kept putting stuff on top of it till eventually everything was on it, and it collapsed into a singularity; we are given no timeframe solid timeframe for how long it took, given Jobu had already created it by the time the movie started, and we know the Alpha-Jumpers had been searching for a way to defeat Jobu for years, meaning it could legitimately take years for Evelyn to find a way to create the Bagel. And this is before accounting for the fact that Evelyn could very well not know how to create it. Sure, she knows what Jobu did, but her lack of experience and knowledge on Jobu’s powers means she doesn’t necessarily have a way of knowing exactly how Jobu added everything onto a bagel, and even then, it’s highly unlikely she’d even think of pulling out the Bagel, given her previous negative experiences with it; while the BtV covered how she would theoretically be willing to pull it out, this is absolutely a last resort, and stacked up with everything else, Evelyn pulling off the creation of the Bagel at all before the Wormhole engulfs her is highly unlikely. Even if she did, remember, Mark has absurdly better mobility, and by the time she finally finishes creating the Bagel, there’s no guarantee he’d be in a universe where she can actually reach him; he could very well be in some higher-dimension, outside the multiverse, or most importantly, the center of the Wormhole.

While it’s similarly difficult to put a good timeframe on the Wormhole given its time-warping shenanigans, we know that from the Captain’s perspective, it all happened in the span of a day. While Mark did experience multiple lifetimes within this period, even aging up until he became an old man, this is exclusively due to the Wormhole’s time-altering abilities; the destruction of the multiverse itself all takes place within a relatively short timeframe, being treated as the same day by the characters (and while yes, there was canonically a month’s long pause between In Space Part 1 and 2, this was caused by the meeting of two Warp Crystals outside the multiverse, which delayed its destruction substantially. This scenario is too specific for Evelyn to recreate, and she’d just get caught in the reboot too). With this in mind, and the fact the Wormhole is generated passively, it’s ultimately way more likely that it’d end up collapsing the multiverse before Evelyn can actually create the Bagel. But what if Evelyn stops the Wormhole? Well, that would rely on her either A. Being strong enough to nuke it in one-shot (which given the Wormhole encompasses a 6D multiverse, is simply impossible), or B. Recreating the very specific events behind the Wormhole’s destruction, which, while in theory possible, would be way too unlikely no matter what.

Evelyn stopping the Wormhole relies on her reaching the Warp Core, which resides at the bottom of the Wormhole. Given it, as previously stated, is literally 6-Dimensional in size, the sheer scope of this structure is way too large for Evelyn to ever manage to explore. Her consciousness is spread across a wide area, yes, but nothing indicates she could reach inside the Wormhole and locate where the Warp Core resides. She’d have to endlessly jump into the Wormhole to eventually reach it, which, as shown with the “Jump In Again” option, could take an infinite number of tries, and she simply does not have that time. On the other hand, while Mark would struggle, the Warp Crystal and own innate knowledge on the Wormhole means he’d be way more likely to end up reaching the Warp Core, especially since he did manage to eventually find it thanks to the Captain utilizing the Warp Crystal, something he could replicate in this scenario. And once he’s reached it, he’s essentially untouchable. He could easily just use the Warp Core, or if it’s not there, rebuild it, where he would now have access to anywhere he desires, and here’s where the tipping point lies. The Warp Core can explicitly escape the destruction of the Wormhole, only backfiring when two Warp Crystals meet and cause an implosion (something Mark could avoid by simply… getting away from it, given the only scenario this would occur in would be if an Evelyn who managed to steal the Warp Crystal somehow ended up outside the multiverse, basically imploding her while Mark stays alive outside there), this means Mark could escape the Wormhole’s destruction of the multiverse, while Evelyn can’t. And do keep in mind, Mark has multiple ways to stall out the fight till the Wormhole reaches the point of collapsing, such as killing Evelyn in a universe, and waiting her out as she cannot reach it anymore. This is a highly-unorthodox method of victory, but when stacked up against each other, and accounting for the fact that this exact thing is something Mark has done before, that he could easily replicate, it becomes clear that between the two, the Wormhole’s sheer power offers Mark the exact option he needs to take the win.

Tertiary Factors

This part is a lot more straight-forward. Mark is a highly-accomplished thief and engineer, capable of robbing the world’s greatest banks, and running entire futuristic colonies all by himself. This makes him much smarter and technically capable than Evelyn; however, when it comes to combat, versions of Evelyn have spent up to 30+ years learning martial arts, becoming gymnasts, or mastering combat with just their pinky. Even the most experienced versions of Mark, those of the soldier and the bomb-defuser, have at best only an unspecified number of years in training, which simply cannot compare to Evelyn’s mastery in combat.

Even using some of Mark’s higher-scale showings show a similar story. He could create machines capable of reaching up to 7-Dimensional space, understanding the nature of these complex wormholes, and piecing together a way to undo the paradox is formed, while Evelyn at best other versions of Evelyn could create multiverse-hopping tech on a much smaller scale. On the other hand, while Mark did spend at best multiple lifetimes inside the Wormhole, experiencing just about every crazy, impossible thing the multiverse had to offer, Evelyn is constantly experiencing an infinite number of possibilities and realities at once. She’s literally drawing from an infinite number of experience and skill that Mark simply cannot hope to possibly match, making her comically more capable in this category.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that the paradoxical nature of many of Mark’s kit, including himself, does still mean that Evelyn would have no knowledge on them, given they don’t exist anywhere else but by Mark, and the Box always having something different could consistently catch Evelyn off-guard, but when looking at things from a general point of view, it’s hard to argue Mark quite stacks up.

Most notable is the fact that, between the two, Mark would be way more likely to go for his win-conditions first. Not only is he generally less restrained when it comes to dealing with people he deems a threat, but him escaping the Wormhole’s destruction is something he has done in the story in his attempts to fix everything, while Evelyn’s less aggressive nature means she’s MUCH less likely to pull out the Bagel as an option to kill Mark.

Overall, Mark is MUCH more intelligent than anything Evelyn can come close to matching, but Evelyn is infinitely more experienced and skilled, although she would have no way of predicting or gaining knowledge on Mark himself, meaning he could still catch her off-guard, and comparing the two, Mark is the more likely candidate to try to pull off one of his win-conditions first.



"And, uh, thank you… for, uh, not giving up on me. Just thank you."


  • Incomprehensibly more intelligent.

  • Massively stronger physically…

  • Much faster travel speed.

  • Paradoxical existence would negate Evelyn’s omniscience and higher-cosmic awareness.

  • The Wormhole’s destructiveness was far above anything Evelyn could compete with, and could destroy the Bagel.

  • Had options to avoid Evelyn, the Bagel, and the Wormhole’s destruction outright, while such destruction would kill Evelyn in turn.

  • Significantly better options to keep Evelyn away and kill her.

  • Evelyn had no options against the Time Machine.

  • Video Game Controller would one-shot Evelyn no matter the range.

  • Less restrictive dimensional travel meant he held better control over the flow of the fight.

  • The Warp Crystal held too many ways to protect itself from being stolen.

  • Technically better endurance.

  • More likely to gun for his options to win first.

  • Could get bailed out from death by the Warp Crystal a couple of times…

  • The Wormhole is more likely to reach its full potential before the Bagel.

  • The Invincible II would give him massive control over the battlefield…

  • The songs are so good omg


  • Immortality negated almost all of the other’s options, except for 1.

  • Both of their win-conditions require time to prepare.

  • Vague probability manipulation.


  • …But much weaker than Planet Evelyn.

  • Notably slower in combat speed, and infinitely slower in reaction speed.

  • Inferior lifting strength.

  • Infinitely less experienced and skilled.

  • Got demolished in close-range combat.

  • Would struggle to adapt against Evelyn’s various forms of fighting.

  • Very vulnerable to dying via transmutation and mind manipulation.

  • …but it’s still unreliable.

  • Evelyn could switch out most of Mark’s items if she got close, making them useless.

  • …but Planet Evelyn could likely just break out of it.

  • His variants paled in comparison to Evelyn’s.

  • If the Bagel was successfully created, he’d be vulnerable to its corruption and erasure.

  • Masochist.


"You are not unlovable. There is always something to love. Even in a stupid, stupid universe where we have hot dogs for fingers, we get very good with our feet."


  • Infinitely more experienced and skilled.

  • Significantly faster in combat speed, and infinitely faster in reactions…

  • Shockingly higher lifting strength.

  • Multiple ways to instantly kill Mark by making contact…

  • Held a massive advantage in close-range combat.

  • Could replace or get rid of most of Mark’s items and weapons.

  • Planet Evelyn could legitimately one-shot Mark and the Invincible II.

  • Being able to control where she jumped to made her dimensional travel more convenient at first…

  • Mental fortitude would let her avoid the Wormhole’s existence erasure.

  • If she managed to create the Bagel, she’d win via the Bagel’s mental corruption and existence erasure…

  • Could heal from most non-lethal injuries.

  • Perception Manipulation made it harder for Mark to catch her by surprise.

  • Could resurrect herself in case she dies in a universe…

  • Her body puppetry would let her control Mark for a time.

  • Various unorthodox methods of fighting would catch Mark off-guard.

  • Her variants are vastly more useful than Mark’s variants.

  • One of the best movies ever made.


  • Immortality negated almost all of the other’s options, except for 1.

  • Both of their win-conditions require time to prepare.

  • Vague probability manipulation.


  • Much weaker outside of Planet Evelyn.

  • …But massively slower in terms of travel speed.

  • 0 answers to Mark’s time manipulation.

  • …But it’s unlikely she’d go for it soon enough.

  • Technology manipulation wouldn’t aid too much in the long-term.

  • …But if she died in a universe, she’d struggle to get back into the fight as Mark could camp there.

  • No way to win if Mark reached the Warp Core.

  • …However, it would take a while for her to resort to using it, and Mark could avoid it altogether.

  • Lacked good ways to get close, and didn’t have answers against Mark’s mobility.

  • Inexperience with Jobu’s powers means it’s dubious if she’d know how to create the Bagel in time.

  • Less likely to go for the kill in general.

  • Would struggle against the Invincible II in base.

  • Nearly impossible for her to find the Warp Core.

  • Omniscience and higher-cosmic awareness would be rendered moot against Mark’s anomalous existence.

  • …But nothing indicates she could resurrect her body from extreme injuries.

  • Stealing a Warp Crystal wouldn’t affect Mark in the long-run, and would get her sent to outside the multiverse.

  • $300 Collector’s Edition

Evelyn was an extraordinarily tough opponent who would not go down easy. Both held various advantages in unexpected ways; Mark having faster travel speeds, and being physically stronger than base Evelyn, alongside his massive intelligence advantage, but Evelyn being faster in terms of combat speed, infinitely faster in reactions, a literally infinite edge in skill and experience, and incredibly tough once she entered her planet form, but given how infrequently she uses that, it’s not like it’d be her main priority. Her absurd advantages at a close-range were notable, and she could easily kill Mark with just a touch by transmuting him or shattering his mind, but Mark had numerous ways to keep his distance, whether it be his teleportation tech, time manipulating tools, or sheer travel speed, and even her ability to learn everything about her opponent and see all possibilities would be quickly shut down by Mark’s bizarre existence; her telekinetic and transmutation defenses seemed impenetrable, but everything can be fixed with enough explosives, something she couldn’t really defend against well, and given his other insta-kill option with the Video Game Controller didn’t require him to get close, he always had the better options to finish off Evelyn in a 1v1.

But of course, neither could go down easily, and any options for killing the other would be shut down by their immortality. Mark could take absurd degrees of punishment and keep going, and Evelyn could simply negate her wounds, revive herself, and of course, both could just come back in the body of some other version of themselves. This made it all come down to the comparison between the Everything Bagel and the Wormhole, and despite the Bagel’s absurd hax abilities, not only was Evelyn resorting to it extremely unlikely, but it was doubtful she’d figure out how to create it, or even how long it would take to create, before the Wormhole reached its maximum potential and destroyed the multiverse. Mark could accentuate this issue by simply camping in universes Evelyn had died in, given she can only reach universes where there’s some version of her there alive, and his explosives and similar kill options would prevent her from reviving, giving her a hard time to continue the fight. Once Mark decided to find the Warp Core, he’d eventually be able to reach it given his Warp Crystal, while Evelyn would be unable to, and even if she stole a Warp Crystal to match him, she’d just get sent outside the multiverse, making it more of a detriment. Finally, once Mark has reached the Warp Core, even the Bagel would be unable to reach him, and he could escape from the multiverse before the Wormhole collapses everything; despite her impressive showings, neither  Evelyn nor the Bagel could ever hope to match the absurd power of the Wormhole, obliterating both of them and all Evelyns in the multiverse, finally putting an end to this stupid, yet fun battle, once and for all.

Perhaps, in another life, things could have ended differently, but as the multiverse dies out, and Evelyn holds on to those last few specks of time, Mark gives one last goodbye.

Final Tally

Team Mark (5) - Fenic, NormallyNormal, Curry, Garf, Bored Seba

Team Evelyn (1) - Stakik (Pity Vote)

Team Bagel (1) - Saul

The Winner… is Mark!

Howdy, Fenic here, once again thank you so much for reading this blog. I'm super happy with how it came out and think it’s my best work yet. I absolutely love this matchup now and i'm very glad I could do it some justice, hopefully this blog can sell some people on the idea. But now, I shall give some very well deserved credit. Big thanks to Garf, Curry, and Stak for being a huge help on the blog. I'll also give credit to Kars, Saul, and Seba for aiding me where they could. Finally, I just wanna give massive props to Normal for the frankly insane amount of effort and passion they poured into this blog. They did almost all of Mark's side, all of our calcs, and just a ton of help on everything else. I really couldn’t have done this without them, so big thanks from me. As for what's next for my blogs, it's a bit complicated. I have a main blog wave planned, but I think it's best to take a little break before starting the next one up. Truth is I have a bunch of smaller blogs to get done, including Flumpty Bumpty vs The Entity which I announced like six months ago dear god. Once I focus and knock those out, my bigger blog projects will continue like usual. Though I do think it's a bit lame to not have a next time for hype reasons, so how about I actually announce something I've been working on properly.

Candyman vs Jimmy Bones (... vs Bones)

This is a private duo blog between me and a close friend of mine, and we’re super excited to deliver a cool product, see Y’all around!


Mark vs Evelyn (Adventures With Markiplier vs Everything Everywhere All At Once)

(TN by Fenic) (TN by Curry) (TN by NormallyNormal) (TN by Kars) ← left the blog lol rip bozo “Being present is being connected to All Things...