Sunday, July 21, 2024

Molli Pop vs Momo (Candies N' Curses Vs Magic Cat Academy)


(TN by u/163B-ZGooey163)

“I like to say I believe in ghosts so I don’t get haunted by one”-Ella Henderson

Molli Pop, the brave, unspoken teen who defeated the Phantom King.

Momo, the kind, determined teenage cat who saves her school from various ghosts.

Ghosts, one of humanity's greatest fears. Despite their immense presence, these two small and adorable looking freshmen have the bravery and wit to face them head on. Now, what if we were to pit them against each other? Can Molli crush the curse that is Momo and her magic, or will Momo send Molli trick-or-treating back with an empty sack of candy? Find out who wins in Fenic’s Fighting blogs!

Before We Start…

Momo is actually in multiple Google Doodles beside her own Magic Cat Academy games. 

We have taken into account all of her appearances across these Google Doodles:

Molli has one game (Candies n’ Curses). Therefore we will only be covering that piece of media.

Also we will be defining some key terms here:

Lucky: The protagonist of the Google Doodle Champion Island Games, who Momo can scale to.

Soul Hearts: Armor that lets Molli tank extra damage. These can be obtained through external means, but can’t be healed naturally.

Hearts: Collectables that heal Molli.

Chain Meter: A chain meter that fills based on the amount of the combo Molli has, as well as how long she’s had that combo for. Once the meter is filled, a Heart collectible spawns. It slowly depletes when Molli doesn’t have a combo or when she gets damaged.

(Special thanks to Rick123 for helping us in determining what feats are valid and helping us with some of the scaling)


Molli Pop

"Everyone knew Molli Pop was the bravest girl around. After taking a dare to enter the dreary mansion near the forest's edge, she discovered the rumors of ghostly hauntings were true. It was there that she faced the Phantom King to discover a devilish curse."

Molli Pop was a quiet girl, but she was also very popular. Perhaps it was her natural pink hair, or maybe it was her cool demeanor. She’s not afraid to speak up when she has to, and she will act on what she says if necessary. This is the reason why Molli went to the Haunted Mansion in her neighborhood, to disprove all the rumors surrounding the place. Who would’ve thought it was actually haunted?

In the Mansion, Molli would fight her way through 6 floors, vanquishing various Ghosts and monsters. Along the way, she obtains new flashlights and meets other people, such as Olly (some random kid who got stuck in the mansion for 3 years), Paige (a collector of strange and haunted oddities), and Hector (a high-ranking ghost hunter and member of Hunter’s Society). Eventually, she gets to the Shudder Shade Study and defeats the Phantom King, temporarily saving the Candy King from its clutches. She is then given the Peppermint of Souls.

With the Pepperment of Souls in her clutches, she decides to return back to the Mansion to save the residents from the curse. She uses the Peppermint to eat the souls of the ghosts, turning the possessed residents back into normal people. At the end, she defeats the Phantom King and saves the Candy King once and for all, leaving the Mansion for the last time along with Olly.


“I am the Trophy Master! But that’s more of a sideline. My name’s Momo.”

Originally just the Yellow Witch’s cat, Momo would transform into her current form and start living on her own. Going to a school for those who want to learn magic. Though shortly after joining she would have to defend her school from antagonistic ghosts. She would come out victorious before having to stop the same ghosts who migrated to the ocean almost immediately after. She would defeat the ghosts once and for all along with making a new friend, Captain Sugar. 

She would later become the Trophy Master of Champion Island as a side gig and become close friends (possibly lovers) with the sports loving Lucky. Momo and Lucky have more appearances, though they’re usually tame and wholesome.

Experience & Skill

Molli Pop

We don’t know much about Molli Pop's origins, other than the fact that she’s described as a 13ish year old high schooler. We do know however, that she’s “the bravest girl around”, which she showed pretty clearly by going to the haunted mansion in the first place. However, it’s quite apparent that she doesn’t lack skill, as she is occasionally recruited by Hector the Ghost Hunter (who does professional ghost hunting for a living) to help him kill ghosts.


Apart from knowing Momo was originally a cat, we don’t know much about her origins either. She’s said to be a Freshman at school in the first Magic Cat Academy, but there is a canon one year time skip in-between that game and the short film Jinx’s Night Out. Though it’s obvious she doesn’t lack skill, as she defeated hordes of ghosts and nine boss ghosts in (presumably) less than an hour.


Molli Pop


Flashlight Select

Molli has access to a plethora of flashlights. Using them, she can bust ghosts and get special abilities out of them, listed below:

Molli’s Flashlight

Traditional flashlight used to kill ghosts. Nothing special.

Olly’s Flashlight

Molli’s Flashlight but significantly worse.

Atomic Fenix MX

A burning red flashlight with a magical addition that has a chance to produce flames when damaging an opponent.

Pulverizer MP40

An explosive yellow flashlight that is quite heavy. It has a chance to produce a grenade that erupts in a pillar of fire when damaging an opponent.

Gorger’s Lamp

(it looks like a Lantern but it’s classified as a Flashlight) A rustic looking lantern with a yellow creature with an insatiable appetite for ghosts and other-worldly beings. After its belly is filled with souls, it summons a short-lasting light shockwave that follows Molli, destroying anything it comes into contact with.

King’s Beacon

A huge flashlight that stores the energy of the Ghost King. It functions as a regular flashlight, but has the ability to transform ghosts into bubblegum ghosts, which become allies to her. She also gets a crown above her head, which will destroy anything it comes into contact with.

Worm Light

A flashlight constructed out of the body of the Phantom Worm. For every 10 ghosts defeated, a candy bon-bon will follow her in a trail-like motion. The bonbons damage foes on contact and occasionally fire projectiles. The rearmost bon-bon disappears once Molli takes damage.


Flashlight Select 

Along with Flashlights, Molli also has access to Lanterns, which summon bulbs of light that rotate around her body, damaging anything they come into contact with.

Firefly Lantern

A lantern that contains the essence of a ghost firefly. It summons 3 spheres of light that orbit around her.

Torchfly Lantern

A lantern that has a powerful Torchfly living inside of it. It summons 3 searing hot Torchflies that orbit around her. Every 3 seconds, the Torchflies will fire two fire-based projectiles.

Virusfly Lantern

A lantern that contains a venomous firefly contaminated with lime extract. Summoning 3 green light spheres, it has a 25% chance to summon a deadly poison puddle on the floor that damages all opponents, but is harmless to Molli.

Hot Head’s Chamberstick

A candle that burns with the fiery soul of the Fire Spirit. 5 wisps of flame orbit around Molli. They disappear upon contact with a foe, but quickly reappear soon after. Molli also takes reduced damage against other flames when using this Lantern.

Phantom’s Lantern

Described as “The Ultimate Lantern”, it is a powerful relic that contains the soul of the Phantom King. 3 Candy Spheres orbit Molli. Once the souls all defeat 5 ghosts, Molli goes into overdrive mode. In overdrive mode, the speed of the Candy Sphere’s rotations significantly increases, and the Lantern fires large Candy projectiles in all directions.


Flashlight Select 

The third and final type of weapon Molli has access to are Blades. She can use them to slash at opponents in any direction.

Buster Blade 9000

The typical Blade. It increases the chance for defeated foes to drop Heart pickups that restore her health by 15%.

Scorch Blade 9000R

A ghost hunting blade that’s been dipped into sugar-magma. It can cut through steel like a hot knife through butter. The blade has a small chance to produce fiery wisp projectiles upon a slash and it spawns pools of lava on any walls struck by it.

Blight Blade 9000X

A blade enchanted with the essence of cursed dreams. It has a chance to create a slow-rising poison bubble when hitting opponents. It also spawns pools of venomous poison when striking any walls.

Necro Scythe

A scythe imbued with the energy of the Necro Witch. When killing a skeleton, it turns that skeleton into a bubblegum skeleton, becoming an ally to Molli. The bones also drop pools of poison where they are defeated.

Jack’o Slash Blade

A blade forged from the remains of cursed garden shears. Upon defeating 6 ghosts, a bomb spawns that explodes upon being slashed. After 3 bombs have been spawned, the blade can launch a very powerful vine attack.


Molli can bring various charms along her crusades through the Mansion. She can only bring 4 at a time (at most). We will be listing all of them here regardless.

Beauty Charm

Get +16 extra Heart Points

Virus Charm

Poison damage is reduced by -0.5x, while Fire damage is increased by +0.5x


Increase the chance for monsters to drop Ectoplasm by 3x.

Undead Charm

Start with 40 Soul Hearts, lose 12 Hearts

Devour Charm

When completing a room, devour 10 souls to gain 12 Soul Hearts.

Charisma Charm

Increase I-Frames (Invincibility time) by 2x.

Swift Charm

Increases Molli’s speed by 1.25x, reduce physical damage by -0.25x.

Rally Charm

On first death, come back to life.

Trailblazer Charm

Drop embers as you walk every 3 seconds, damaging enemies on contact.

Gusto Charm

Heart pickups have 3x power.

Fortune Charm

Increases the chance defeated monsters drop hearts by 3x.

Lucky Break Charm

10% chance that Molli doesn’t take any damage when hit.

Clash Charm

Destroy small projectiles with your flashlight, but take 2x the damage when hit by any projectiles.

Anti-Venom Charm

Poison damage is reduced by -0.5x.

Anti-Blaze Charm

Fire damage is reduced by -0.5x.

Resistance Charm

Poison and Fire damage are both reduced by -0.5x, but take 2x Physical damage.

Sweet-Tooth Charm

Higher chance for candies to appear in a treasure room.

Blasphemy Charm

Higher chance for curses to appear in a treasure room.

Discovery Charm

Increases the chance to find undiscovered items in a gift box.

Pup Charm

Bring along your ghost puppy, Goober. Goober wanders the stage, sending a powerful shockwave when switching floors. (they do not harm Molli)

Wing Charm

Bring along your pet bat Churra. Churra flies around the rows of the stage, leaving fire columns behind them while damaging enemies. (they do not harm Molli)

Shockwave Charm

When landing from a jump or a fall, release a powerful shockwave that damages foes.

Bubblegum Charm

Start the room with a bubblegum shield that tanks 3 hits for you.

Vigor Charm

The Chain meter drains 0.5x slower.

Chain Link Charm

Your combo won’t break the first time you get hit after achieving a combo of 10 or more.

Sugar Bomb Charm

The combo bar turns into a Sugar Bomb bar. Upon reaching a combo of 5, drop a Sugar Bomb at your current location.

XP Pro Charm

Get 20% extra XP at the end of every run.

Ecto-Meter Charm

Changes the Heart Meter into an Ectoplasm Meter! Earn 30 ectoplasm every time the meter fills up by maintaining a chain of 10 or higher.

Soul Meter Charm

Changes the Heart Meter into Soul Meter! Earn 100 extra souls every time the meter fills up by maintaining a chain of 10 or higher.

Candy Burst Charm

Turns your Chain Gauge into a Candy Burst Gauge! Get a chain of 5 to shoot candies in 4 directions.

Lilypad Charm

Bring along your pet from Hopscotch! It will jump around the stage, leaving pools of damaging slime to hurt your foes. (they do not harm Molli)

Magnet Charm

Collectibles within 3M are automatically drawn to Molli.

Inventors Charm

Destroyed enemies have a low percent chance of spawning Phantom Tokens, which can be used at the Maltose machine to get a random good or bad effect.

Four-Eyes Charm

Bring along Olly. He’ll go around the stage, killing enemies with his flashlight.


An old photograph of Susie Butterscotch that gives you +4 Heart and Soul Heart points.

Tako Charm

Bring an adorable little Tako Boy. He can fire ink bullets downwards to destroy foes as he follows behind Molli. The bullets also leave deadly ink that damages foes when making contact with it.

Golden Tako Charm

Same as above but Golden.

Peppermint of Souls

While the Peppermint of Souls IS a charm, it is significant enough to give it its own part. Obtained from the Candy King upon clearing the Mansion for the first time, it is used to eat ghosts and save people from their possessions, boosting the power of the Peppermint. At MAX power, it gives +24 Soul and Heart points.



You're a wizard, Momo! by Kochich on DeviantArt

With her wand, Momo can cast spells by drawing different kinds of lines, which includes the following: 

Spell Book

Momo also owns a spell book. With an incantation the user of the book can grow in size and power.

Flying Broomstick

The trademark traveling tool of any witch. As you might expect, Momo can use this to fly around, and can even combat ghosts mid-flight.


Molli Pop


Molli has access to various Candies that she can find upon clearing a room of the Mansion. These all give her buffs to her capabilities, or can heal her for certain amounts of health.

Battery Bonbon

Increases Molli’s speed by 1.2x upon consumption.

Butter Pop

Slows the depletion of the Chain Meter by 0.8x.

Butterfly Sugar

Restores Molli back to full health.

Chocolate Mousse

Summons a Chocolate Mouse that bites enemies.

Chocolate Shell

Gain 20 MAX health points.

Cloak Gumdrop

Increase I-Frames (invincibility time upon getting hit) by 1.5x.

Dragon Scale Yum Pop

Reduce harm from fire-related attacks by -0.25x.

Grandma’s Favorite Cookie

Your combo depletes at 0.8x speed.

Gross Feet Chew

Reduce harm from poison-related attacks by -0.25x.

Halo Bar

Revive upon death.

Heart Lollipop

Convert all of your Soul Hearts into Regular Hearts.

Jab Breaker

Reduce all physical damage by -0.25x

Moonlit Bubblegum

Equip a Moonlit Bubblegum shield. It tanks 3 hits for you, and it replenishes upon clearing a room.

Soul Taffy

Gain +12 Soul Heart Points.

Spirit Fudge

Gain 25% of your current Heart and Soul Hearts.

Sugar Heart

Gain 25% Heart Points.

Zappy Taffy

Molli charges a protective aura every 18 seconds. When fully charged, she can tank a physical hit and deal damage to anything she comes into contact with.


Molli also has access to various curses that she can find upon clearing the room of the mansion. They tend to have a tradeoff of positives and negatives, some involving summoning other creatures.

Devil’s Bargain

Give up half of your MAX Heart Points to double your current Soul Heart Points, and increase the strength of Soul Heart pickups by 2x.

Firefly Curse

Summon a firefly that bounces around the room, damaging ANYTHING it touches.

Holy Curse

Soul Heart pickups drop 6x as common, but take 2x damage.

Icy Feet Curse

Become immune to all floor hazards, but slide when changing directions.

Lava Curse

Fire damage is reduced by 0.5x, Poison damage increased by 2x.

Last Stand Curse

Convert all of your missing Hearts into Soul Hearts.

Living Dead Curse

Summon Zeke, the sole zombie residing in the mansion. He occasionally pops up from the ground, damaging you if hit and spawning souls.

Mad Rush Curse

Gain +40 Hearts, but increase your speed by 30%.

Punching Bag Curse

Physical damage is reduced by 0.5x. However, Heart and Soul Heart pickup spawn rates are reduced to 0x.

Purified Curse

Give up HALF of your Max Health, but full heal after every room.

Reaper’s Curse

Summon a deadly reaper wielding an even deadlier scythe. When swinging it, it sends a spinning projectile. The projectile destroys ghosts and harms opponents, but also harms Molli.

Servant’s Curse

Summon Bunber the Butler. He throws bombs around the stage that damage both Molli and opponents, but he also occasionally throws Heart pickups.

Sour Heart Curse

The combo meter drains at 0.8x speed, but the Chain meter fills 0.5x as fast.

Spicy Feet Curse

Fire damage is reduced by -0.25x, but a dangerous lava puddle spawns at Molli’s feet every time she lands from a fall.

Toxic Curse

Enemies that hit you get damaged. Fire damage is increased by 2x, but poison damage is reduced by 0.5x.

Undead Curse

Remove all of your Heart Points, but gain +80 Soul Points.

Void Curse

Continually suck souls out of nearby enemies, but lose HALF of your MAX Heart points.


Whirlpool Creation

Momo seems to be able to create Whirlpools, which lead to…

Pocket Area Creation

… A pocket area underneath a boat. It’s not clarified whether this is a pocket dimension or just a pocket area in the ocean.

Fourth Wall Awareness

Momo is well aware of the fact she’s a video game character, though she doesn’t think about it much so as to not end up in an “existential quandary.” Though she can be seen in other installments watching the player actively play the game she’s in.


Molli Pop

Ghost Form

When Molli is defeated by the ghosts that haunt the Mansion, she collapses and transforms into a ghost instead of dying. In this form, she can not hold any items. She also becomes vulnerable to any ghost-damaging attacks.


Average Cat Form

Before Momo was an anthropomorphic witch, she was a normal cat.

Spider Form

It’s implied that Coach Spider from the Great Ghoul Duel is actually a transformed Momo. This is due to their design similarities, the fact Momo was originally supposed to be the coach, and the fact that the creators don’t outright deny it, instead trailing off.


Molli Pop


  • Went into the Mansion and defeated the Ghost King, the Fire Spirit, the Necro Witch, the Phantom Worm, Jack, and the Phantom King.

  • Went BACK into the Mansion and defeated buffed versions of the previous bosses, being the Ghost Baron, the Blaze Devil, the Necro Scholar, the Phantom Worm, Pyro-Jack, and the Phantom King Omega.

  • Ended the curse that riddled the Candy King, his estate, and the people that worked under him.

  • Is acknowledged and implied to be on the level of Hector, a professional ghost hunter despite her lack of experience.




  • Can withstand fire, lava, acid, and poison.

  • Can withstand various bombs and explosions (albeit very small ones). 

  • Can withstand the Necro Witch’s speeding bone attack. (9761.15 Joules)

  • Can withstand Jack’s powerful vine attacks. (397107.2-1588633.6 Joules)



  • Saved her school from evil ghosts.

  • Saved the ocean from evil ghosts.

  • Became the Trophy Master of Champion Island.

  • Was the referee for two Great Ghoul Duels.

  • Hiked the Appalachian Trail.



  • Scales to Lucky, who can:



Molli Pop

Despite all of her ghost-busting capabilities, at the end of the day she’s a teenage girl on the younger side that’s just pretty brave. Also, her flashlights are just regular flashlights and shouldn’t work on anything that isn’t a ghost or haunted creature, and can be used to blind regular creatures at most. She also bites her nails.


While Momo is a very skilled sorcerer, she’s also pretty impatient and sometimes acts without thinking. She is rather imobile in fights, often preferring to stand in one place while casting spells. Also, she doesn’t really have any way to attack if you get rid of her wand and spellbook. 

Before the Verdicts

FTL Molli and other Speeds?

In the third stage of Candies n’ Curses: Curse Crusher, Molli is up against the Necro Scholar, who can shoot lasers from her skulls. Molli also goes against the Blast Worm, who is also stated to fire lasers. Both of these have been labeled as Lasers by the developers though

The Blast Worm’s lasers are most likely not real lasers, but the Necro Scholar’s lasers may be the real deal. However, they don’t demonstrate many of the characteristics FTL lasers have (besides moving in a straight line), but then again there’s nothing that suggests they aren’t FTL either. It’s also very possible that Molli is aim-dodging, so these are all things you can chew on. The lasers most likely are not faster than light, and even if they were, Molli probably should not get scaling to them anyways.

Well then, why don’t we scale Molli to other projectiles? Like ones that move faster than the soundwaves? 1: Molli is slower than all of them visually. 2: We’re upscaling the projectiles from her, and THEN scaling Molli to them once again. That’s an infinite loop, and shouldn’t be valid.

Momo’s Healing & Shield Factor?

Momo’s healing factor is Cat-Ghosts that spawn once she takes damage. Casting a Heart spell lets her reclaim one of her HP. However, Momo getting this in the first place is already a bit of a debate. These could be considered third-party factors as Momo needs to rely on the ghost spawning in the first place. The ghosts could also just spawn due to there being other ghosts invading her school in the first place. However the Ghosts do seemingly spawn whenever Momo takes damage, so it could be an ability she has as well. We have decided to give Momo the cat-ghosts for the sake of debate.

There’s also a similar situation with Momo's shield spell. Momo can cast a circle spell on a nearby Ghost jellyfish to get a shield that protects her for one hit. However, Unlike the Ghost cats these jellyfish spawn completely randomly, so we will not be giving Momo access to them.

Luigi Scaling?

The devs released a promotional piece of art featuring Molli and Luigi together in the Mansion. Yeah this clearly isn’t canon. Not much else to say here. 

Molli Eating Souls?

Molli has a charm and a curse that work in tandem to give her a very deadly potential insta-kill: the Devour Charm and the Void Curse. They let her suck souls out of enemies and eat souls for Soul Hearts. It’s debatable that this should even work on non-ghosts in the first place, as it isn’t shown to work on people like Olly and Bunber the Butler, who is also a ghost. However, the wording also states that it only works on enemies, which is possibly the reason it doesn’t affect the likes of those stated above. 

Bonus Art

(art by u/ThatOneCurryGuy)



Howdy Y'all, welcome to my first ever released blog. I’ve gotta be honest, I was never expecting my first to be Molli Pop vs Momo. You can thank my friends Curry and Germ for selling me on this MU. Anyways, let's see which adorable ghost fighter will come out on top. 


In terms of stats, it's actually pretty varied between the two. Strength Wise Momo has a pretty clear advantage. Molli's best strength feat comes from scaling to the Phantom King, which gets her at most to around building level. However, Momo could fight and defeat the boss ghost, whose vortex attacks got to multi city block levels of power. Momo could also casually survive 11,000 meters below sea level with zero protection. So yeah, Momo is at least around ten times stronger than Molli, and possibly even more times durable.

In terms of speed it's a very different story. Molli ends up actually having a pretty major speed advantage. Momo's best speed feats are from scaling to Lucky and the boss ghost which gets from 30 to 60 mph. However, this is absolutely dwarfed by Molli moving in tandem with soundwaves at 3069 mph. It gets even worse for Momo when you factor in Molli being able to boost her normal speed almost 187.2% faster with items. At the absolute bare minimum, Molli is around 56 times faster than Momo, and with Boosts, around 63 times. 

Arsenal & Abilities

Both of these characters have unique arsenals and abilities that make this fight really interesting. Starting with their weapons, Molli clearly has far more variety. While Momo tends to stick to just his wand, Molli has far more weapons that all operate differently. Granted, the flashlights are kinda useless in this fight, but the lanterns and swords should be easily capable of burning and slicing Momo. Not to mention elemental variants of these weapons can do things like drop bombs or even deal poison/acid damage, which Momo has shown zero resistance to. Now, in Momos' defense her wand does have many advantages over Mollis weapons. Momo should easily take the range advantage since the wand has shown the ability to fight at ranges far greater than Molli has. Momo also has a major AoE advantage with her spiral blast, which is almost undodgeable since it can wipe the entire screen of enemies. There’s also Momo’s spell book, which can grant them a size advantage.

Now, Molli does have a major advantage with her Candies and Charms, which gives her a ton of powers that would be useful against Momo. For example, she can directly buff her stats, as well as tank free hits with several of her shields. She also has numerous summons like the chocolate mouse, Bunber, and many more which gives her the numbers advantage. There’s also the fact she can straight up revive herself if she dies at least once, coming back fully replenished. The sheer variety and usefulness of these powers makes me pretty cleanly give Molli this category.

Tertiary Factors

In terms of experience I'd actually give it to Molli. While Momo and Molli are in the same age group, Molli has fought a far bigger variety of foes, and has dealt with far more dangerous situations. I would say however, that Momo is likely more intelligent due to her mastery of magic, though this isn’t much of a factor in the fight at all. In terms of skill, I'd actually give this to Molli. She’s a far more reactive fighter compared to Momo, who usually just stands still while she fights. Now with that covered lets go over some questionable win cons.

Could Molli dodge Momos lightning

Since lightning is far faster than Mollis top speed, you could argue Molli couldn’t dodge Momos lightning spell. However, Molli could likely just aim dodge while Momo casts the spell. There is an argument that Momos attacks are actually homing attacks based on how you never have to aim them, but this is never confirmed in any way and is likely just a gameplay contrivance. Especially since the ghosts the spell is used on are painfully slow and make zero effort to avoid the attack. 

Can Momo BFR Molli

This argument exists because Momo has shown the ability to seemingly create wormholes to a pocket dimension. However, not only has this never been used in any combat scenario, it seemingly requires water to do, which Momo does not have

What if Momo just stays on her boom in the air

This is a pretty decent win con honestly, since Molli is almost entirely a close range fighter. However, Molli does have ways of getting Momo down. She has a few projectiles, as well as her fire bat summon, which could be used to eventually drop Momo from the air. 

What if Momo turned giant

With the spellbook, Momo could potentially turn giant and grow more powerful. However, we have no way of knowing how much of a boost this would even be. Also, Momo is already way stronger, so the only thing this would really change is make Momo a bigger target.

Can Molli even hurt Momo

Momo is a lot more durable than Molli, so how could Molli even hurt her. Well she has a few options. Molli could use her poison and acid based attacks to dura neg. Also, she could arguably suck out Momo’s soul for a similar effect with certain items.

Could Molli survive Momos AoE

Momo’s spiral blast is a really good win con, since Molli likely can’t dodge it at all. However, that doesn’t mean Molli is done for. She could very well survive the attack with a shield, and even if she died to it, she can revive herself anyways. Momo doesn’t seem to be able to spam the attack, so Molli would have the time to either replenish her shield or interrupt Momo before she can cast it again. 

Could Momo play the long game

You could argue that with Momo's self healing, she could tire out Molli eventually. However Molli has a counter to this. Since Momo's healing relies on summoned ghosts, Molli could heal from them as well by defeating them for drops. She could also turn these ghosts against Momo with the Kings beacon, as if Momo wasn't outnumbered enough already.

Who has the advantage in this fight

In my opinion, Molli has the overall advantage in this fight. Her speed would allow her to close the range gap on Momo. Molli has several ways of getting Momo down from her broom. She’d be able to survive Momos AoE with her shields and revive. Momo would very easily get overwhelmed by Molli’s summons, and Momo has no resistance to the elemental attacks.


This fight is actually really close, with both characters having very solid win cons. With Momo's far better power and range I can easily see her winning in some scenarios. However, Molli’s sheer speed and far better abilities makes me believe she can win more times than not, the winner is Molli Pop.


Heya it's me Curry. I'm pretty stoked to finally get this blog out. It's the first one I've ever contributed to, and the fact it's a Fenic one AND for this banger MU only makes it even better, so thanks for that. Anyways I won't waste your time anymore, let's get to it.


Momo and Molli match quite evenly in most of these categories. Due to the ship calc, Momo’s Magic should get Small Building level (i don’t buy the water stuff), and Molli should be at MOST Small Building level due to downscaling from the Phantom King, who she defeated in only a couple hits. Speaking of the Phantom King, the Candy Cane scaling is funny but I'm afraid I find it a bit iffy. Not that it really matters in the debate tho.

Next up is Speed. Molli actually outspeeds Momo by quite a bit. Momo's best scaling is all from Lucky, who is athlete/superhuman level at best, while Molli is consistently  And if you decide to give Molli the laser dodging feats, she straight up blitzes and megastomps.

Last but not least is Durability. Momo clearly has superior durability, due to her surviving in the Mariana trench. While she did have a magic diving hat surrounding her head, that was most likely so she could breathe and not so she can endure the pressure of the deep, as her body remains uncovered. 

Arsenal & Abilities

Their Arsenals and Abilities are most certainly not as lacking as their stats. Momo’s main source of attack is her wand and spellbook, which she can use to harm ghosts. 

It’s pretty obvious that Molli should take the quantity advantage in both Arsenal in Abilities, as all of her weapons are strong, unique, and can lead to some really good mixup. Molli’s fire attacks from her various lanterns, blades, and bombs can harm Momo as she has no resistance to them. The same goes for her poison/acid attacks. 

Molli has various candies, curses, and charms that can buff her capabilities. She can have (at most) 4 Charms equipped and 10 Candies/Curses equipped. We know that Momo does not have any sort of Fire/Poison related attacks, so I will not be giving Molli any of the abilities related to that. I’ll be assuming the Devour/Void combo doesn’t work on Momo, and that there is no need for extra currency. We’ll be giving her the 3 Charms that summon companions, and the last charm will be the Peppermint of Souls.

Now, Momo was actually able to damage an underwater volcano, which was being possessed by the Boss Ghost. Surely this means her strength scales to that quantity and she has stronger fighting power than Molli right? Yes and no. The strength of her MAGIC is on the level of Molli’s physical strength, possibly superior if you buy the highball. 

Molli’s fire attacks from her various lanterns, blades, and bombs can harm Momo as she has no resistance to them. The same goes for her poison/acid attacks. And Momo can resist Molli’s Zappy Taffy Candy, due to her having electricity resistance. She’s still just as vulnerable to everything else though.

Tertiary Factors

Momo and Molli both have the same real-life experience, as they are both Freshmen in high school. However, Momo should have much more experience with ghost-busting and magic usage. Molli is still incredibly skilled with her tools though, possibly to the level Momo is with her magic. Therefore, Momo should have a slight edge in the Skill-Experience factor. Both characters also have various win-cons and arguments, which I will address now.

1: Couldn’t Momo just stay flying in the air and shoot at Molli from above?

Yes and no. Molli has various counters to Momo’s flight, such as projectiles that occasionally fire from her weapons, and Churra, her pet bat. Churra leaves a trail of fire wherever they go, so this could possibly burn Momo’s broomstick. However, Momo should be faster than the projectiles Molli shoots from her weapons, and she could possibly just evade Churra the entire time while shooting at Molli.

2: Can’t Momo just send Molli to the shadow realm?

Not really. As I’ve already established, all we know about the whirlpool and the “pocket dimension” is that it’s in water. Assuming there would be a significant pool of water in the battlefield is an environmental advantage for Momo, so she shouldn’t be able to do so.

3: Can’t Momo just win a battle of endurance through her healing?

No. Momo’s healing summons heart ghosts whenever she gets hurt. Since they’re ghosts, Molli should ALSO be able to kill them, giving them a chance to drop her own health pickups as well. In fact, Molli can bring them to her side using the King’s Beacon, so they’re actually more of a detriment to Momo. The healing isn’t really a big factor in this battle. And if anything, Molli would win a battle of endurance due to her ability to revive fully refreshed once.

4: What about Momo’s Fourth-Wall Awareness?
It’s cool, but it doesn’t really help her at all.

5: Can they even harm each other with their equipment?

Maybe? Momo’s magic is only shown to damage ghosts. When she defeats various fishes possessed by ghosts, they are shown to be perfectly fine, while the ghosts die. It’s possible Momo just can’t harm Molli at all. However, her magic is shown to be able to destroy ghosts in the first Magic Cat Academy, and even breaks the glasses of the Librarian ghost in the first fight. It depends on which game you base it off of, but for the sake of debate I will say yes, her magic can harm Molli.

As for Molli, her flashlights shouldn’t work on Momo at all, but some of her lanterns and all of her blades should do just fine.

6: Can’t Molli just eat Momo’s soul?

I’ve already stated we’re going to assume this doesn’t work on Momo.

7: Can’t Momo just strike Molli with her auto-lock spells?

Yea, BUT…

We don't even know if the lightning auto-locks in the first place. Yes it does hit every opponent, but she tends to use it when they aren't moving, or moving slow. Either way Molli is exponentially faster than the ghosts, so she could dodge while the spell is being casted. Molli is also shown to be perfectly fine when being surrounded by an aura of electricity powerful enough to evaporate ghosts (via Zappy Taffy), so I'd say the lightning wouldn't INSTANTLY kill her.

8: Can't Momo just become big and squish Molli?

No. Molli is still exponentially faster, and Momo wouldn't be able to react to her. All it does is make Momo a bigger target. Not to mention that her hands will grow so big she won't be able to hold her wand or the spellbook, therefore being unable to cast any spells.

Well then, how do either of them win?

Molli has various win-cons, but most of them rely on one thing. Getting close with her superior speed and. Molli has to get close enough to use her element-related attacks (Molli’s strength is nowhere near Momo’s durability), and then she should be able to win this way, as Molli can interrupt the casting of Momo’s magic with rapid attacks. Momo could also get overwhelmed due to the 3 summons Molli has, and not be able to even try any magic at all. Molli could also try and get rid of Momo's spell book and wand, making her a sitting duck.

Momo's win-cons involve her zoning Molli out and attacking her with the superior ranged magic she has, maybe striking her with lightning if possible, and hoping that she doesn’t get injured by Molli’s element-related attacks and instead only gets slashed at with the blades (which should still do damage anyways). It's also possible for Momo to defeat the summons perhaps, leaving Molli more vulnerable, and giving Molli even less of a chance to destroy her broomstick.

Now, who do I think wins? While Momo has the superior mobility and range, which are just what she needs to win, Molli still has the stats to eventually close the gap, and ways to counter the broomstick, although it will take a while to get rid of it. Although Momo's magic is much stronger than Molli's durability, she can just continuously dodge with her far-superior speed, and the magic wouldn't insta-kill her if hit anyways. Not to mention the various damage-tanking shields and the Revive Molli has, which fully refreshes her and gives another chance to win, while Momo is worn out from the already close fight. 

Also Molli is more than 50x faster than Momo, so she shouldn’t even be able to use the broom without getting blitzed.

The winner is Molli Pop.


This was a fun matchup to research, and I’d like to thank Fenic for letting us do this. 


Stats are pretty clear cut, Momo is stronger and more durable than Molli, and while Momo isn’t slow by any means, her speed is inferior to Molli’s. 

Arsenal & Abilities

Molli definitely has a bigger variety of abilities and weapons, a lot of which Momo has never seen before. Though a lot of them require Molli to get in close, while Molli is faster, Momo’s a ranged fighter who has a height advantage with her Flying Broomstick. Molli does have ways of destroying the broomstick though, which would ground Momo and put her at a disadvantage.

Tertiary Factors

Momo is overall more experienced than Molli, though her inexperience with Molli’s kit makes experience a sort of non-factor. They should be relatively tied in intelligence and stamina, though Momo could use her broom to not use up as much stamina as Molli.

So in my opinion, if Molli can get Momo on the ground she should take it by out-speeding, but if she doesn’t destroy the Broomstick then she could lose. Though I believe more times than not, she would destroy the broomstick and defeat Momo.


Molli Pop


  • Massively faster, and blitzes even harder with the FTL calc.

  • Far more varied arsenal

  • Element-related attacks should be able to get past Momo’s durability

  • Summons can give support…

  • Shields let her tank damage.

  • Much more Abilities and Weapons than Momo….

  • Probably able to dodge Momo’s magic spells.


  • Can utilize Momo’s healing factor more than she can.

  • She’s got the drip to make you slip.

  • Can jump pretty high.

  • Candy Cane scaling.


  • Both have amazing games.

  • Both have element-related attacks that should ignore the others’ Durability.

  • Both have the same real-world experience.

  • Both can heal from the same sources.

  • Both are Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion victims.


  • Far less durable.

  • Far less skilled.

  • The FTL stuff is EXTREMELY iffy.

  • …but Momo can probably kill them.

  • No significant resistance to Momo’s magic.

  • ….but most of them are useless.

  • No STRONG counters to Momo’s broomstick flight without Churra.

  • Is a sitting duck once she turns into a ghost.

  • Mobile game ads.

  • Diabetes (probably)



  • Significantly stronger…

  • Much more durable than anything Molli can dish out.

  • Broom lets her zone Molli out….

  • Stronger ranged attacks

  • Much more experience with her weapons…..

  • Can grow big……

  • Immune to Molli’s Zappy Taffy.

  • Gay gay homosexuals

  • Is a cat

  • Has had bubble tea before.


  • Both have amazing games.

  • Both have element-related attacks that should ignore the others' Durability.

  • Both have the same real-world experience.

  • Both can heal from the same sources.

  • Both are Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion victims. 


  • Significantly slower than Molli and her summons at all times. 

  • …with her magic only.


  • .…but Molli still has ways to get rid of it.

  • Is a sitting duck without her Wand & Spellbook.

  • …..but that shouldn't matter as Momo has neve faced somebody like Molli before.

  • BFR and Whirlpool Creation are unusable.

  • ……but this doesn't help in any way whatsoever.

  • Fourth-Wall Awareness does nothing here.

  • Healing factor is possibly detrimental to her.

  • Can't jump pretty high.

Final Tally

Molli Pop (3) - Curry, Fenic, Germ

Momo (0) - 😭😭😭

Undecided (Sigma) - Saul Goodman

Up Next…

That was one scare of a blog! It’s good to finally have this one out. Surprisingly, we finished it in about 48 hours. Hopefully this blog does good, as it was very fun and we were passionate about it. Both games (Magic Cat Academy & Candies n’ Curses) are very fun, stylized games with great art and music, so go check them out! As for the near-future, it’s gonna be Weskin’ time!!!!!

Albert Wesker vs Homelander

(TN made by Zackplay3rHD)

If you would like to help on it or any other blogs, DM u/Ok-Turnip-7681 on Reddit or send a friend-request to fenic.v_88493 on Discord.


  1. btw, the continent level calc for Momo is outdated, however the verdict is still exactly the same, so I've decided to just leave it as is.

  2. I don't know how you managed to come to the conclusion that Momo surviving the Deep Trench is Continent, considering how people who survive the Mariana Trench are usually Wall. Nonetheless, the third installment of Magic Cat Academy pretty much gave Momo legitimate Solar System and FTL scaling so she should pretty much stomp if this blog were made after Halloween 2024, but since it wasn't, the result is fine as it is.

    1. Yeah the Continent calc was done when we were new to calcing and it's very flawed, however, Momo got to city block with the whirlpool away so the verdict was still the same. Shame the new game made this blog age terribly but it is what it is, I still think we did a good job with what we had.


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(TN by Fenic) (TN by Curry) (TN by NormallyNormal) (TN by Kars) ← left the blog lol rip bozo “Being present is being connected to All Things...